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Thread: How they're trying to gaslight us all

  1. #1

    Default How they're trying to gaslight us all

    Going to give you two articles - Compare the numbers - And ask yourself, is it for real or is it all gaslighting political theater.

    1st Article:
    "Killings by American domestic extremists in 2019 were the worst in the nation in 24 years, according to a chilling new report released by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Of the 32 killings by extremists in five separate attacks in 2019 — the most lethal year for domestic extremist assaults since 1995 — 24 were committed by white supremacists, according to the report. "There were 57 deaths linked to domestic extremists from 2017 through 2019, with 47 of them racially motivated, according to the report."

    1 year - 32 total killings
    3 year - 57 total killings - 47 racially motivated

    Now for article number 2:

    "CHICAGO (CBS) — At least 29 people had been shot in Chicago as of Saturday evening, and five of them had been killed."

    1 weekend - 5 killings, 29 shootings
    YTD - 201 killings (35 more than ALL of 2020)

    Pretty slow weekend for killings in Chicago actually, but I wanted to use the latest as an example.

    They're going to keep trying to tell you over and over white nationalist extremism is the "most dangerous". It's fucking horrible and they should be watched, called out for their absurd racist beliefs, and convicted if they commit crimes - no doubt - but are they really the "most dangerous threat" facing the nation as this administration would have you believe?

    Of course not - it's political theater. It's pathetic how they are trying to divide the races in this country to hate one another. Pure dereliction of the responsibilities they hold to ensure the safety and security of all citizens of the nation.

    Last edited by Shaps; 05-15-2021 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #2


    Another media concoction - Hate crimes are up!

    Here's the data:

    Here's the end statement for those that don't like the "minutia" of actually having to read: overall hate crime drops 6% in 2020

    Additionally - you'll notice in the report where almost all of the hate crimes occur - can you take a guess?

    Tick Tock Tick Tock times up -

    You guessed it! Democrat run states/cities! Those glorious liberal bastions of understanding and acceptance.

    Don't let the media gaslight you. We're not a perfect country by any means, but we're not the worst by any means either. Don't let them divide.
    Last edited by Shaps; 05-15-2021 at 11:32 PM.

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