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Thread: Official ;tpick changes and discussion

  1. #1

    Default Official ;tpick changes and discussion

    Yes that's right! This is the official thread for the latest changes to ;tpick. Also for discussions related to ;tpick and stuff. And stuff and stuff.

    So anywho. Just uploaded version 322 which has the following changes:

    The setting "Calibrate on startup" under the "More Other" tab has been updated. If you're a rogue or a bard you can enter "never" in this setting to never use calipers or loresing to boxes to get the lock difficulty, instead you will default to using a vaalin lockpick, this means you no longer have to start the script with the "v" command line variable. Using the "c" command line variable will still default to starting with a copper lockpick.

    New tab! Pool/worker
    The settings under this tab are only when you're using the pool/worker. If you're doing any other sort of picking these settings won't be used.

    The new settings:

    Max critter level: The max critter level of boxes you want to pick, all other boxes will be turned in. For example if you set this to "50" then any boxes coming from critters above level 50 will be turned in, any boxes coming from critters level 50 or below will be worked on.

    Minimum tip wanted: The minimum tip you want before working on a box. For example if you set this to "500" then any boxes with tips of 499 or fewer will be turned in, any boxes with tips of 500 or greater will be worked on.

    Picks to use based on level: By default this setting only works for non-rogues/non-bards. For rogues/bards you either have to use the "v" command line variable or set the "Calibrate on startup" setting under the "More Other" tab to "never."

    Here is an example of what to make this setting:

    10 copper, 20 steel, 30 gold, 50 lage, 75 invar, 90 kelyn

    This would use a copper lockpick for boxes coming from critters of levels 1-10, steel for 11-20, gold for 21-30, lage for 31 to 50, etc etc.

    Vaalin is automatically used if the critter level is higher than the highest number you set or if the critter level is unknown for some reason.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 06-24-2024 at 04:10 PM.

  2. #2


    Reserved because why not?

  3. #3


    Reserved because you never know, do you?

  4. #4


    Last reservation, I promise!

  5. #5


    Oh yeah, I did some testing with the new "Picks to use based on level" feature and it seemed to be working great, but let me know if you run into any issues with it, or if it's working great for you too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    N Topsail Beach NC


    Wooo! Will definitely give this a shot tonight. Thanks!
    Left handed, right handed, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    N Topsail Beach NC


    Just did a quick run with it and it seems to be working good but i probably have a setting wrong with the 403 and trying to get it to cast 403 when i need it. Will try more this evening.
    Left handed, right handed, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Adequate Picker View Post
    Just did a quick run with it and it seems to be working good but i probably have a setting wrong with the 403 and trying to get it to cast 403 when i need it. Will try more this evening.
    It should use 403 when needed unless you have the 403 setting set to “never”.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    N Topsail Beach NC


    It does not use 403, evidently based on whatever settings i have. It will try the lock until it gets a decently high roll and then decides it cant do it with that pick. So once it started over and pulled out a silver pick, which promptly broke. Next time it gave up and tried 407 though looking back on it, that was a plate lock. It will cast 404, for some reason. I have it and 403 set to no. In Other, my max lock is set to 10000 to attempt all locks, trap roll is set to 1000 to disarm all traps. So, it looks like its all working ok, except for casting 403 when i roll decently hard with a vaalin pick. If i roll a 55-60 and no read, then i always cast 403. Not doing that with the script.
    Last edited by Adequate Picker; 03-23-2021 at 11:15 PM.
    Left handed, right handed, it doesn't matter. I'm amphibious.

  10. #10


    I'd like the option to trash jaws and needles. And to also leave scarabs on the ground.

    I was going to rewrite it but it's yours so maybe you can consider.

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