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Thread: Very High Experience Ensorcell - 2m/week

  1. #11


    From GSWiki:
    162 Sorcerer Base, 73 Minor Elemental, 67 Minor Spiritual leaving 1 rank that can be placed anywhere with no CS gain or
    159 Sorcerer Base, 77 Minor Elemental, 67 Minor Spiritual
    162 Sorcerer Base, 77 Minor Elemental, 64 Minor Spiritual
    166 Sorcerer Base, 73 Minor Elemental, 64 Minor Spiritual
    170 Sorcerer Base, 69 Minor Elemental, 64 Minor Spiritual

    Due to the nature of hybrid circles, a spell rank configuration that includes 75+ ranks of Minor Elemental will result in +0.5 CS over a configuration without. In practice, this will result in +1 CS in any situation where a sorcerer would receive an additional fractional CS gain from a spell effect.

    So you can call it what you want. They all have different reasons for doing the build they do. However, this isn't a thread to assess my build. I am quite comfortable with my build. My purpose was to sell a service. Not trying to be a jerk, just saying that is what it was created for. If you want to talk about builds, then feel free to PM and I would love to go over anything you'd like.
    "Freedom for those who fought for it, is a taste the protected will never know" -Unknown

  2. #12


    Bump. Let me know who needs one!
    "Freedom for those who fought for it, is a taste the protected will never know" -Unknown

  3. Default

    Got room for a T5? Wanna check if you can work on my stuff?

  4. Default

    I'm interested in taking an item from T0 to T5. It has a 366 difficulty at T0. If you are interested, let me know when you have the bandwidth and the necro juice available to start the work (Faulkil in game or just PM me here.)

    -- Faulkil

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