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Thread: +35 ML tower shield with perm +10 td

  1. #1

    Default +35 ML tower shield with perm +10 td

    As the title says, full +35 max light tower shield with perm +10 TD. Easy to ensorcell.

    A steel blue imflass greatshield

    Sold for 200 dollars
    Last edited by rolfard; 11-21-2020 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #2


    Mmm beautiful.
    The only rude person I met was a taxi driver in kagoshima. I was going from the train station to the ferry to take it over to an island and was showing him my papers and he was like "oh, climb mountain?" and I'm like "hai, yep!" and he made a muscle pose(bent arm, whatever you call it) laughed, and rubbed my belly.. like "oh, no, you fat american fuck, you no get up there", but whatever - Japhrimel

  3. #3



  4. #4


    Last call on this before it's sold. Have a cash offer of 200 dollars. Prefer silvers over cash. Calling this sold 8pm tomorrow night if no other offers.

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