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Thread: 7x T5 HCP/HDP full plate

  1. #1

    Talking 7x T5 HCP/HDP full plate

    some dwarven infantry field plate
    • 7x (+35)
    • T5 ensorcell
    • 10 CER heavily damage padded
    • 9 CER heavily crit padded
    • +3 stamina/health recovery
    • unlocked anfelt armor scripts
    • maxlight

    Asking 85m. Cash accepted at $4.5 per. Find me as "Macillus" on the GS discord server, or DM here.

    SOLD and delivered. Thank you to all who were interested.
    Last edited by Macillus; 10-06-2020 at 05:12 PM.

  2. #2


    I officially approve of this armor.

  3. #3


    8x Tier 4 Voln Armor with HDP + 2 CER Crit pad went for 80 mil.

    How is this worth 85? Someone explain.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Fierna View Post
    8x Tier 4 Voln Armor with HDP + 2 CER Crit pad went for 80 mil.

    How is this worth 85? Someone explain.
    I resold that armor after buying it for 100m.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Fierna View Post
    8x Tier 4 Voln Armor with HDP + 2 CER Crit pad went for 80 mil.

    How is this worth 85? Someone explain.

    It's dwarven

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Fierna View Post
    8x Tier 4 Voln Armor with HDP + 2 CER Crit pad went for 80 mil.

    How is this worth 85? Someone explain.
    Lots of factors play into pricing. That armor was a bargain, mostly because it was sold as we were approaching Duskruin and people were scraping up resources.

    Voln T4 is great, but it isn't universally something that everyone wants, whereas this armor has a basic set up that works for anyone who uses full plate, so that ups demand. T5 ensorcell, and HCP/HDP, and 7x. That's pretty good foundational armor to take it anywhere you want to from there. I think the price is good for this armor, and was a bargain for the voln T4.
    I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.

  7. #7


    Thanks everyone for the bumps. Usually do this intuitively, but here's what I'd do for numbers:

    6x-7x enchant @ 250/per: 27m
    T0-T5 ensorcell @ 2.5/per: 25
    9 CER 130 services @ 8999/15: 75
    trollspine: 5
    unlocked anfelt armor scripts: 2
    maxlight @ current note rate: 1
    TOTAL cost of improvements: 135m
    Divided by half for resale: 67.5m
    + base cost of 6x HDP plate: 25m
    Rounded down for quicker sale: 85m

    Does NOT take into account time to add 130 services, rarity of HDP/HCP armor, +50m increase for awesome dwarveness, or -69m decrease for lack of illegal ronan alter.

  8. #8


    Well, to each their own. Hopefully, this sells quick for yah.

    And yes having Dwarven in the descrip automatically jacks up pricing by 50%.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Fierna View Post
    Well, to each their own. Hopefully, this sells quick for yah.

    And yes having Dwarven in the descrip automatically jacks up pricing by 50%.

    That's a decent price, aren't you like a level 31 ranger, why are you giving people shit about their prices

  10. #10


    I dunno if you folks have seen naijins cman and kroderin soul changes but plate and shields about to get really popular!
    The only rude person I met was a taxi driver in kagoshima. I was going from the train station to the ferry to take it over to an island and was showing him my papers and he was like "oh, climb mountain?" and I'm like "hai, yep!" and he made a muscle pose(bent arm, whatever you call it) laughed, and rubbed my belly.. like "oh, no, you fat american fuck, you no get up there", but whatever - Japhrimel

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