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Thread: GMs are going to literally rewrite game lore and mechanics to remove racism

  1. #221


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Auchand is apparently equating "ape" with "black people." No, really, that's what he is saying.

    Kveta is equating "Dark Elf" with "black people."

    I'm personally of the mindset that if you see the word "monkey" and automatically assume "black person" that makes YOU the racist, but what do I know with my white privilege.


  2. Default

    For those of you who find these changes infuriating, let me propose a solution: lean in. The best way to illustrate the absurdity of fixing racism in Elanthia (and yes, this is absurd), is to parody it by taking it to extremity (the Sacha Baron Cohen method). Go ruin the game for awhile!

    During story lines and major events, interrupt and disrupt them with identity politics. Consider the following suggestions:

    1. Throw a pride parade. Get all your friends together, strip down, and dance through the streets. Examples activities that are not against policy:
    -Methais asks for consent, then drapes Luntz in a rainbow flag as he kisses him passionately
    -Dreaven gets very, very close to Cruxophim as he dances
    -Vishra dances, shaking her manly hips

    Be as OOC and over the top as possible, without actually breaking any rules. If the staff disciplines you, write a story on Vice about how simu hates gay people and get Gemstone IV shutdown.

    2. Have a teach-in where characters get to share their "lived experiences" of racism as half-krolvin. Just take stories from the internet, find/replace, and spam the heck out of the room where a story line is taking place. Take something heartfelt and sacred and cheapen it by putting it in a game.

    3. Stage a protest of the herb shop for selling Bolmara potion, citing that it is a form of discrimination against people with speech impediments and supports a culture of "ableism"

    4. Stage a protest in Ta'Vaalor for their years of discriminatory guard hiring policies. Try to tear down a statue.

    5. Occupy the elven court and it's 1%.

    6. Charge Elves for attending the dreavening and give the proceeds as reparations to the Half-Krolvin in the group as a form of affirmative action. When an elf asks for a service, tell them to "check their privilege" and ignore them.

    7. Invite Rowaan and Vishra to speak (give their many academic credentials) on implicit bias and the intersectionality of being a trans Aelotoi.

    To summarize: Black Lives Matter. Go ahead and change Gemstone IV to eliminate racism. Rename "Master" bedroom. Keep virtue signaling. You are not actually helping fight systemic racism in America, but distracting from the real problems.

    Oh, I get it Simu: you are just afraid of the cancel culture. #metoo

  3. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by MispronouncedHeroine View Post
    For those of you who find these changes infuriating, let me propose a solution: lean in. The best way to illustrate the absurdity of fixing racism in Elanthia (and yes, this is absurd), is to parody it by taking it to extremity (the Sacha Baron Cohen method). Go ruin the game for awhile!

    During story lines and major events, interrupt and disrupt them with identity politics. Consider the following suggestions:

    1. Throw a pride parade. Get all your friends together, strip down, and dance through the streets. Examples activities that are not against policy:
    -Methais asks for consent, then drapes Luntz in a rainbow flag as he kisses him passionately
    -Dreaven gets very, very close to Cruxophim as he dances
    -Vishra dances, shaking her manly hips

    Be as OOC and over the top as possible, without actually breaking any rules. If the staff disciplines you, write a story on Vice about how simu hates gay people and get Gemstone IV shutdown.

    2. Have a teach-in where characters get to share their "lived experiences" of racism as half-krolvin. Just take stories from the internet, find/replace, and spam the heck out of the room where a story line is taking place. Take something heartfelt and sacred and cheapen it by putting it in a game.

    3. Stage a protest of the herb shop for selling Bolmara potion, citing that it is a form of discrimination against people with speech impediments and supports a culture of "ableism"

    4. Stage a protest in Ta'Vaalor for their years of discriminatory guard hiring policies. Try to tear down a statue.

    5. Occupy the elven court and it's 1%.

    6. Charge Elves for attending the dreavening and give the proceeds as reparations to the Half-Krolvin in the group as a form of affirmative action. When an elf asks for a service, tell them to "check their privilege" and ignore them.

    7. Invite Rowaan and Vishra to speak (give their many academic credentials) on implicit bias and the intersectionality of being a trans Aelotoi.

    To summarize: Black Lives Matter. Go ahead and change Gemstone IV to eliminate racism. Rename "Master" bedroom. Keep virtue signaling. You are not actually helping fight systemic racism in America, but distracting from the real problems.

    Oh, I get it Simu: you are just afraid of the cancel culture. #metoo
    I was thinking people should wear flowing white robes (another loot table that needs reworked and society that needs reworked) and stand outside Moot hall screaming "Elves will not replace us!"

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  4. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seizer View Post
    Wow I guess we can have struggle sessions in game now.

    I can see the RP opportunity now.

    I’d like to call forth Kerl, Ardwen, Methais, Dreaven, Warclaidhm, Hoy, Helsfeld, Roblar and Vishra. (I don’t know everyone who is rich, if I excluded you please let me know and I will rectify my heinous oversight!) They have accumulated far too much wealth, in the form of weapons, armor, silvers and other knick-knacks. They have flaunted it in front of my characters for far too long. I feel under privileged due to my choice in character race and gender! Please Lord Wyrom! Make this right! Let the humiliation begin.

    FFS it’s a game we know Valor elves hate everyone, and everyone shits on half krolvin. I can go on but at this point it doesn’t matter. I thought we played games to get away from reality, not have more of the politics shoved down our throat. Cancel culture rules!
    This is all correct.

  5. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elgrim View Post
    This whole thing makes my head hurt. I just want to go back to PLAYING A GAME, not being inundated with the musings of social justice warriors.

    In real life I am in total support of civil rights and working towards change that betters life for everyone. And if others are not, that is their choice. You aren't going to change the hearts and minds of everyone, its impossible.

    But what the hell does a fantasy MUD have to do with this? Why do we need safe spaces in a game where if you don't like what is happening you can simply go somewhere else, log out, or if all else fails Warn Interact someone and proceed with your day? How many people can honestly say they felt somehow racially threatened in real life because of something in Gemstone? Its a damn game, and not even a popular one at that.

    I avoid the political section of these forums for a reason. I don't agree with what gets posted there 99% of the time but I do agree that everyone has the right to their opinions. But now, the opinions of what appear to be a minority of people who feel that real life issues and hangups should be reflected within a fantasy game, and this is pretty much being forced on everyone, like it or not. Its political, no matter how you slice it, and politics should have absolutely nothing to do with fantasy games.
    This is all correct.

  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alorn15 View Post
    I'm cautiously optimistic. It's hard to take a strong stance for or against the in-game implications of the original post because it doesn't mention anything specific, but if Simu wants to be clear where they stand on real-world racism, then good on them.

    Also, Ta'Vaalor is terrible and I hope they burn it to the ground.
    This is all retarded.

  7. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vicimer View Post
    First of all, Teveriel: Shut up. Only a 4-year-old is offended by "galaxy brain".

    Dreaven: The fact you missed the mark that much makes it even funnier. You said people were looking for racism where there was none. I said people were looking for reasons to complain, and THAT is what you hollered at. I didn't call you or anyone else racist.

    I will now, though. That you and your neo-Confederate reactionary buddies here have spent the last two days crying about this shows they're doing the right thing. You and the other snowflakes can keep melting down because it's really entertaining. Imagine being so fragile that something so inconsequential could get you this broken up. Oh wait, these are the same people who wet their diapers because some other people made a message board once. I will thank you. If you're going to be stupid and racist, at least it's fun to watch. Do come back to the officials and bleat some more. It's really going well for you!

    Die angry.
    Herein lies the great irony in all of this -- those that want to virtue signal about removing racism from Elanthia but are perfectly fine to tell someone to "Die angry."

  8. #228


    The greatest irony is that simutronics relies on unpaid labor in exchange for access to their realm. Almost like some kind of indentured servitude.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I'm personally of the mindset that if you see the word "monkey" and automatically assume "black person" that makes YOU the racist, but what do I know with my white privilege.

    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

    “If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
    -My favorite liberal

  10. #230
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    Make your opinions known to Stilfront.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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