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Thread: Bigshot Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Louisville, KY

    Default Bigshot Question

    I've been leaning a lot more on Bigshot recently to reduce the amount of typing I have to do during hunts, but its falling short in a couple of areas.

    Is there a way to set Bigshot to execute targeted attacks based on enemy status? For example, one of my characters hunts by legging first, and then ambushing the head. But I don't see a way to do that with Bigshot. Currently I have the attack line to be "hide, punch left leg" and then I can manually punch head once legged. Is something like "hide, punch left leg until prone, punch head" a possibility in some undocumented syntax?

    Thanks in advance

    Selling Stuff and Things
    Elgrim#0001 on Discord or Elgrim on the Official GS Discord server under Nitro Boosters.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elgrim View Post
    I've been leaning a lot more on Bigshot recently to reduce the amount of typing I have to do during hunts, but its falling short in a couple of areas.

    Is there a way to set Bigshot to execute targeted attacks based on enemy status? For example, one of my characters hunts by legging first, and then ambushing the head. But I don't see a way to do that with Bigshot. Currently I have the attack line to be "hide, punch left leg" and then I can manually punch head once legged. Is something like "hide, punch left leg until prone, punch head" a possibility in some undocumented syntax?

    Thanks in advance
    You'd use something like 'punch target head(prone)' after your legging thing. You can use 'punch target left leg(!prone)' to keep punching the leg until the target is lying down.

    There's a list of command checks here:
    Last edited by Taernath; 03-14-2020 at 12:46 PM.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

  3. #3
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    Louisville, KY


    Awesome, thanks for the info!

    Selling Stuff and Things
    Elgrim#0001 on Discord or Elgrim on the Official GS Discord server under Nitro Boosters.

  4. #4


    Looking at the wiki, it looks like the command check prone will execute if the target is NOT prone

    prone - Checks to see if target is not sleeping|webbed|stunned|kneeling|sitting|lying down|prone|frozen|held in place. Performs command if target status is not one of the previous.

    So if I read that right, you could do something like:

    hide(prone), punch target left leg(prone), punch target head(!prone)

    which would repeatedly hide and punch the left leg until the target is prone, at which point it will skip that portion and start punching the head.

    If you wanted to hide before punching the head, you could do:
    hide, punch target left leg(prone), punch target head(!prone)
    Last edited by vantho; 03-14-2020 at 01:14 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by vantho View Post
    Looking at the wiki, it looks like the command check prone will execute if the target is NOT prone

    prone - Checks to see if target is not sleeping|webbed|stunned|kneeling|sitting|lying down|prone|frozen|held in place. Performs command if target status is not one of the previous.

    So if I read that right, you could do something like:

    hide(prone), punch target left leg(prone), punch target head(!prone)

    which would repeatedly hide and punch the left leg until the target is prone, at which point it will skip that portion and start punching the head.

    If you wanted to hide before punching the head, you could do:
    hide, punch target left leg(prone), punch target head(!prone)
    Thanks for the correction. I was trying to go off memory but just verified it with my f2p.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

  6. #6


    yeah it's a little counter intuitive, I thought it worked the same way you did but I clicked the link you provided to see the other command checks and noticed it worked the other way around.

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