Originally Posted by
Holy shit! I found it! I really found it!
Look at these posts leading up to THE POST.
This one on 7-20-2017:
This was a direct response to time4fun who created the thread Androidpk was referring to.
His next post on 8-5-2017:
Again a direct reply to time4fun with Androidpk pointing out she doesn't care about Democrats accepting foreign money, only when Trump does it.
His next post on 8-9-2017:
This one doesn't prove much either way, it's just Androidpk being surprised he agreed with a post from Ashliana. But it shows he hadn't quite joined the far left of the board yet, at least not openly.
Now here is his next post after THE POST on 8-11-2017:
And his next two posts on 8-13-2017:
And his next post on 8-16-2017:
As far as I can tell his transformation is complete before this point because he is fully in Trump Derangement Syndrome mode 24/7 from this point on.
So what was THE POST? As far as I can tell it was the following two posts in the same thread, both taking place on 8-10-2017:
Which took place in the "FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home" thread. The second post is him arguing with me about the wall.
This is legit THE POST. The post where Androidpk officially sold his soul to time4fun for a couch to sleep on.
Can anyone think of anything of note that happened on 8-10-2017 that would cause Androidpk to fall off the deep end like this? Or did Trump's talk about the wall and Manafort's office being raided just fry his brain for some reason?
It is because Trump appointed Sessions and Sessions wasn't pot friendly. Pk is a single issue voter.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam