I really like this wand... but after seeing the last auction. I'm willing to part with it for 90m or 450$ pay pal gift only. First person to offer, gets it:
You analyze your cocobolo wand and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
You carefully analyze your cocobolo wand and sense that there are no alteration restrictions other than common sense. And it must be some kind of wand/rod or other item that makes sense to be waved. SHOWs are allowed.
To use the wand, hold the item to be changed in hand and WAVE the cocobolo wand at the item to be used as the source of the design. The item in hand will be altered using this format:
"[an item] embellished with [a source item] design"
"Embellished" can change to other terms, depending on the material of the item being altered.
The source item can be anything (with some restrictions) that can be targeted with the cocobolo wand except players.
You also sense that the cocobolo wand, though magical, does not uses charges. Instead it requires a gem for power each time it is used.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the wand's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the wand is as light as it can get.
90m flat - Sold