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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #4121


    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    Ad hominem. Failure to observe visible evidence. Mistaken premise. Tu quoque. Assumption. Unsupported conclusion. Ad hominem. False analogy. Projection.

    You're glowing.
    So when you going to admit you were wrong and that Acosta did in fact touch her? I'm not asking you to admit it was assault (but it was), I'm asking you to admit that Acosta made contact. Don't believe your own eyes anymore? Gee, I wonder why that could be.

    Oh by the way, what you're doing now is actually a perfect example of an ad hominem; not commenting on my arguments at all and instead attacking my character. Glad to see you are capable of making ad hominems, too bad you're shit at actually recognizing them.

  2. #4122
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    The issue I see is that when the President is in the room and doing a press conference, when he tells you that you are done, you are done. If you think Obama or Clinton would have put up with all the crap Acosta has done, you are sorely mistaken. Acosta is a punk ass bitch and has been pushing the petulant child act for far too long, it is about time Trump flat shut him down. Maybe he can cool off and grow up a bit then the Whitehouse can consider letting him back. He is almost as bad as Piers Morgan in the metrosexual whiny bitch department.
    Last edited by ~Rocktar~; 11-07-2018 at 11:29 PM.
    I asked for neither your Opinion,
    your Acceptance
    nor your Permission.

    "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
    "It took 2000 mules to install one Jackass." Diamond and Silk Watch the Movie

  3. #4123
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    The issue I see is that when the President is in the room and doing a press conference, when he tells you that you are done, you are done. If you think Obama or Clinton would have put up with all the crap Acosta has done, you are sorely mistaken. Acosta is a punk ass bitch and has been pushing the petulant child act for far too long, it is about time Trump flat shut him down. Maybe he can cool off and grow up a bit then the Whitehouse can consider letting him back. He is almost as bad a Piers Morgan in the metrosexual whiny bitch department.
    If a conservative reporter ever acted that way to Obama...CNN would have sharted its pants.

  4. #4124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fortybox View Post
    If a conservative reporter ever acted that way to Obama...CNN would have sharted its pants.
    The reporter would have immediately felt so much guilt and remorse that they would have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head twice.
    I asked for neither your Opinion,
    your Acceptance
    nor your Permission.

    "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
    "It took 2000 mules to install one Jackass." Diamond and Silk Watch the Movie

  5. #4125


    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    The issue I see is that when the President is in the room and doing a press conference, when he tells you that you are done, you are done. If you think Obama or Clinton would have put up with all the crap Acosta has done, you are sorely mistaken. Acosta is a punk ass bitch and has been pushing the petulant child act for far too long, it is about time Trump flat shut him down. Maybe he can cool off and grow up a bit then the Whitehouse can consider letting him back. He is almost as bad a Piers Morgan in the metrosexual whiny bitch department.
    Acosta is worthless. Just check out his useless Twitter feed, it's full of dumb tweets like "I asked the president this completely insane and dumb question from 2 miles away and he totally ignored me! RESIST!"

    Or he's making statements in the form of a question then acting shocked when people tell him to sit down and shut up.

    Remember the time Acosta thought the words on the Statue of Liberty were somehow US immigration policy? He was a nobody in the era of Obama, he had like a hundred followers on Twitter, but he started "asking tough questions" of the Trump administration and suddenly he has hundreds of thousands of followers and now all of the publicity has gone to his head.

    His Twitter profile used to have a picture of himself as the Twitter profile pic (which is fine and makes sense), but the header on his profile was not one but TWO different pictures of himself. 3 fucking pics of himself as his profile on Twitter. The dude is a prime example of a narcissist.

  6. #4126


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Here's a video that slows it down and everything to clearly show he did indeed put his hands on her.

    But let's face it, you're so worthless and so pro-violence against women that you won't ever admit you're wrong, yet again.
    I've watched this a few times. You can see him pointing and her reaching across his arm to grab the mike away at which point he brings his hand down briefly to stop her. She initiates contact with him first and he only touches her for less than a second, and with only one hand. Why you keep saying he put his hands on her is very inaccurate. How this constitutes assault in anyone's mind to me is crazy.
    [LNet]-GSIV:Lysistrata: "And I'm pretty perfect sooooo... What can I say. I'm dedicated. (To Jeril's cock.)"

  7. #4127
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    The mounting evidence that Democrats are being radicalized.

    In this video CNN defines white males as not being people:

    Now let's refresh on what has been said by members of PC and the GS community.

    "Great news, white people are dying off" ~ cwolffs' comment when linking an article about white baby boomers passing away.

    Another Democrat expressing their vengeful glee that poor white people were wiped out by a natural disaster.

    Multitudes of community Democrats dismissing mob rule, rioting, assault and attempted mass assassination by people that label themselves anarcho communists.

    Wishful thinking that the world would be a better place by the removal of people of faith.

    Constant negative labeling of anyone with dissenting thoughts.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  8. #4128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeril View Post
    I've watched this a few times. You can see him pointing and her reaching across his arm to grab the mike away at which point he brings his hand down briefly to stop her. She initiates contact with him first and he only touches her for less than a second, and with only one hand. Why you keep saying he put his hands on her is very inaccurate. How this constitutes assault in anyone's mind to me is crazy.

  9. #4129


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeril View Post
    I've watched this a few times. You can see him pointing and her reaching across his arm to grab the mike away at which point he brings his hand down briefly to stop her.
    Yes, how is that not him making contact?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeril View Post
    She initiates contact with him first and he only touches her for less than a second, and with only one hand. Why you keep saying he put his hands on her is very inaccurate. How this constitutes assault in anyone's mind to me is crazy.
    She is trying to get the mic away from him, that's not really contact. It doesn't matter how long he touched her. I'm not familiar with DC's laws (where I'm assuming this happened) but in many places simple assault is merely unwanted touching, which this clearly is. I'm sure DC defines simple assault as such as well.

  10. #4130
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    I think it is a huge stretch to call it assault. She should have just said his pas was being revoked for being disruptive, which he assuredly was.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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