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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

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    And no, Acosta didn't assault anyone. As the video shows (of which multiple angles exist) the women clearly put her hands on him more than once.
    Last edited by Androidpk; 11-07-2018 at 09:50 PM.

  2. #4092


    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    That press conference was a trainwreck and he fired the AG less than 24 hours after the midterms.

    Before anyone says Sessions resigned, his letter stated “At your request”.

    Trump, for the first time in his life, is about to be held accountable. I’d be scared if I were a criminal and someone was about to hold me accountable.
    He really likes the bully pulpit. Notice how he abuses the reporter from behind his podium after the reporter's microphone is taken away. Those reporters are being polite and brave, while he's a civic disgrace.
    My current items for sale or trade: Treasures in the Brambles.
    Contact: Nuadjha (Discord and LNet),

  3. #4093

  4. #4094


    Quote Originally Posted by Taernath View Post
    Here's the video:

    People are gonna pull whatever meaning they want out of it. I just love seeing how Trump reacts when he's not insulated behind Sara Sanders or a cheering MAGA crowd.
    "Tough" questions? Acosta doesn't ask tough questions, he makes dumb statements in the form of a question. Just like here. "They are hundreds of miles away, that's not an invasion." That's not a question. Then when Trump says no more questions he throws a tantrum and pulls the microphone away from the person trying to take it from him. Then dipshit other reporter no name defends Acosta's childish actions. Why do people like Acosta? He's more useless than dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

  5. #4095


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    And no, Acosta didn't assault anyone. As the video shows (of which multiple angles exist) the women clearly put her hands on him more than once.
    Here's a shocker, then man who has taken advantage of several women on these forums is saying the woman had it coming. I'm sure poor Acosta was fearing for his life.

  6. #4096


    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    He really likes the bully pulpit. Notice how he abuses the reporter from behind his podium after the reporter's microphone is taken away. Those reporters are being polite and brave, while he's a civic disgrace.
    "Polite" and "brave"? Brave? BRAVE? What the fuck are you even going on about?

    Abuses his reporter from behind his podium? Like the podium is some sort of magical shield or something? Grow the fuck up.

  7. #4097
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    "Polite" and "brave"? Brave? BRAVE? What the fuck are you even going on about?

    Abuses his reporter from behind his podium? Like the podium is some sort of magical shield or something? Grow the fuck up.
    You could see the fear seeping from trump today. He’s frightened, which is why he requested sessions to resign minutes after that awful press conference.

    Trump is a criminal. Only criminals act like this. How do I know? Look at Nixon.

    Fuck you fortybox and fuck you tgo. Eat shit. Fuck civility.

  8. #4098


    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    Fuck you fortybox and fuck you tgo. Eat shit. Fuck civility.
    I'm sure the cowardly piece of shit Briarfox will be along any minute now to tell you to act more civil.

    Oh, right, Briarfox already proved what a worthless, partisan, hypocritical hack he is, much like yourself there, SHAFT.

    Glad to see so many Democrats defending an absolute worthless human being such as Acosta for placing his hands on a woman like that. You all put on a great act pretending to give a single shit about women but when it comes to old, rich, white men who happen to be Democrats abusing women you all suddenly look the other way. I couldn't be this much of an absolute sack of shit of a human being even if I tried. Kudos for being good at something, SHAFT.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 11-07-2018 at 10:53 PM.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I'm sure the cowardly piece of shit Briarfox will be along any minute now to tell you to act more civil.

    Oh, right, Briarfox already proved what a worthless, partisan, hypocritical hack he is, much like yourself there, SHAFT.

    Glad to see so many Democrats defending an absolute worthless human being such as Acosta for placing his hands on a woman like that. You all put on a great act pretending to give a single shit about women but when it comes to old, rich, white men who happen to be Democrats abusing women you all suddenly look the other way. I couldn't be this much of an absolute sack of shit of a human being even if I tried. Kudos for being good at something, SHAFT.
    Acosta never once touched her..

    Kudos to being an unwavering Trump sycophant, that's some serious commitment. I've always thought you were a zealot but these past 2 years you've really let your crazy fly.

  10. #4100
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    That press conference was a trainwreck and he fired the AG less than 24 hours after the midterms.
    Good. Bring on the weed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Parkbandit View Post
    Methais isn't even on my level bitch.

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