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Thread: My scripts

  1. #801


    Thanks to my beta testers it appears the kinks have been worked out with ;warrior.

    So download it today and get to mastering!

  2. #802


    Fixed an issue with ;testme where the script would hang if it sang to an enhancive item where the enhancive bonus did not have a level requirement.

    Now ;testme will sing to that darn enhancive item, note it doesn't have a level requirement, and keep on keeping on!

  3. #803


    Some minor updates to ;warrior.

    Firstly I didn't realize that if your task is to BE tackled by another warrior that you get reps just for an attempted tackle, the tackling warrior doesn't have to actually tackle you. Therefore when you're being tackled/disarmed you are put into gld stance offensive and stance defensive, giving you the best defense, while your partner is placed into gld stance defensive and stance defensive, giving them the worst possible attack. This should cut down on the number of successful tackles/disarms to pretty much zero since there is no need to actually be tackled/disarmed for these tasks.

    There are now two options in trading in various tasks. Setting the task to "yes" will always trade in the specified task. Setting the task to "exit" will trade in said tasks as long as you have a trade voucher, if no trade voucher then the script exits.

  4. #804


    ;song-manager has been completely overhauled! It's now better than you AND your dog!

    Make sure you are always singing all of the songs you want sung!

    Now with 1025 support!

    Option to stop singing certain songs and only manually singing them when the effect wears off! Save mana on that multi-song penalty!

    Song of Power causing you to blow your head off on renewal? There's an option to automatically stop the song about 30 seconds before your songs renew then starting the song up again after your songs renew. AMAZING!

    Want to always have Song of Peace running while at your resting spot to keep those pesky pickpockets and other ne'er-do-wells away? There's an option for that too!

    Do you want a warning that your current mana isn't enough to cover the cost of your song renewal? Well download now and you'll get that warning, baby!

    Are you too lazy to actually stop those songs if you don't have enough mana to prevent frying your nerves? Well there's an option to automatically stop singing songs one by one until your current mana can handle the next auto renewal 30 seconds before you blow your nerves! WHOA!

    Are you more afraid of not having your trusty sonic weapon and sonic armor than you are of the big bad fried nerves? NO PROBLEM! There is an option to keep sonic equipment up NO MATTER WHAT! Or your money back!

    So what the hell are you waiting for? Download now and start managing those songs TODAY!

    The song-manager repo info:

    Manages all of your bard spells.

    Will make sure you are always singing the songs you specify. Has an option to automatically use SHOUT 1040 if you're stunned/webbed. Has an option to cast/stop a song then cast it again after the effect wears off to help with multi-song penalties. Option to keep Song of Power running until about 30 seconds before it renews, then will stop Song of Power, wait for your songs to renew, then cast it again. Script will warn you if your current mana isn't sufficient to cover the cost of your auto-renewal. Also has an option to stop songs until your current mana is high enough to cover the cost of your auto-renewal. Plus much, MUCH more!

    Script is on a 10 second loop meaning it will check for missing songs, when to stop songs, etc, every 10 seconds.

    Be sure to do ;song-manager help for more additional info on setting up this script properly.

    Author: Tgo01
    Version 9

    The ;song-manager help info:

    ASG value | Armor Type
    1 Normal Clothing
    2 Robes
    5 Light Leather
    6 Full Leather
    7 Reinforced Leather
    8 Double Leather
    9 Leather Breastplate
    10 Cuirbouilli Leather
    11 Studded Leather
    12 Brigandine Armor
    13 Chain Mail
    14 Double Chain
    15 Augmented Chain
    16 Chain Hauberk
    17 Metal Breastplate
    18 Augmented Plate
    19 Half Plate
    20 Full Plate
    How the "renew" setting works:
    Certain songs retain their benefit for the duration of your song length, whether you STOP singing the song or not. For example if you have a song length of 2 minutes and you start singing Song of Luck (1006) then you will retain this benefit for 2 minutes whether you STOP the song or not. However songs like Sonic Armor (1014) will stop functioning as soon as you STOP it.
    This can be useful for certain songs if your multi-song penalty is higher than the cost of just manually starting the song again after the effect fades. Fortitude Song (1003) is the best example of this. Its renewal cost is only 1 mana but if you have a 12 mana multi-song penalty then its renewal cost is actually 13, therefore it makes more sense to sing 1003, STOP 1003 (but still retain its benefit), then spending 3 mana to sing 1003 again once the effect ends. This is exactly what the "renew" setting does.
    The following songs can make use of the "renew" setting: 1003, 1006, 1007, 1010, 1019. Keep in mind this setting isn't always best for each of these songs because recasting the song can sometimes be more expensive than the renewal cost plus the multi-song penalty.
    Song of Power (1018) can also use the "renew" setting but it works differently. Since letting Song of Power auto-renew can lead to injuries and it only costs 3 more mana to sing the song again as opposed to letting it auto-renew, it can make sense to STOP the song shortly before you auto-renew then sing the song again. Which is exactly what the "renew" feature does for this song.

  5. #805


    New script on the repo: ;donoharm

    What does this script do? What DOESN'T this script do?!

    From the script's description on the repo:

    This script helps to ensure you don't accidentally kill people while INCANTing or CASTing spells. This script also helps to ensure you cast beneficial spells at players and harmful spells at critters. Keep this script running in the background and only kill it if you run into a problem or actually want to harm another player.

    First off if you have a harmful spell prepared and you attempt to CAST a spell that might target another player this script won't allow the cast to go through and will inform you of why. For example let's say there is a player named Bobby in the room with you and you want to cast at a critter called bobcat, so you enter "cast bob", this MIGHT cast at Bobby, but with this script it won't let the cast go through. Either use more letters of the critter's name to avoid this or do ;k donoharm to stop the script.

    This also works if you're INCANTING a harmful spell while a player is your current target via the TARGET verb. In this scenario the script will automatically target a random critter and INCANT the spell for you.

    This script also ensures you don't accidentally cast at inanimate objects. For example if you're trying to cast a beneficial spell at Bobby but there are some boots on the ground and you enter "cast bo" the game might target the boots and waste your time and mana. This script will automatically find a person in the room whose name starts with "bo" and cast at them instead using their ID number, in this case Bobby, ensuring the spell gets casts at a player. This also works the same way with critters and harmful spells.

    Lastly if you're attempting to cast at a non-aggressive NPC this script won't allow you. For example if you're trying to cast at that bobcat again by doing "cast bob" but someone has their bobtailed cat in the room with you the script will automatically target the bobcat via their ID number, ensuring your spell gets cast at the aggressive criter. Also if the bobtailed cat was the only critter in the room with while you did "cast bob" the script won't allow the cast to go through.
    Keep script running whenever you want to do no harm, kill it if you do want to do harm. I've tested the script as much as possible and it appears to work fine. However if you run into a problem where the script won't allow you to cast at an aggressive critter or something be sure to kill the script and tell me about the bug.

    See this script in action!

    Without ;donoharm and casting a naughty spell at another player:

    >Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the Calm spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    >You gesture at Bochser.
    CS: +446 - TD: +383 + CvA: +4 + d100: +23 == +90
    Warded off!
    Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
    WHAT! I didn't mean to cast at another player! ;donoharm to the rescue!

    >Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the Calm spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    You feel at full magical power again.
    >[(unknown script): This might potentially cast an offensive spell at another player. Either use more letters of the critter you want to cast at or type ;k donoharm to exit this script so you can cast this spell.]
    Thanks, ;donoharm!

    Do you ever try to cast a friendly spell at another player yet those darn boots jump in the way at the last minute and you cast at THEM instead? Never fear! ;donoharm has you covered by finding a player in the room matching the letters you used when CASTing and casts directly at their ID number, ensuring your spell gets cast at a player!

    >Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the Spirit Warding I spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    >[(unknown script)]>cast #-10848194
    You feel more refreshed.
    You gesture at Bochser.
    A light blue glow surrounds Bochser.
    Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
    This also works with harmful spells and critters, making sure your ultimate bolt of destruction destroys that poor rolton instead of those roll of nickles!

    >Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the Calm spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    >[(unknown script)]>cast #96555272
    You gesture at a kobold.
    CS: +446 - TD: +3 + CvA: +20 + d100: +91 == +554
    Warding failed!
    A calm washes over a kobold.
    Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
    Do you ever accidentally cast at a wizard's familiar or a ranger's companion? Fear no more! ;donoharm won't let you harm innocent wildlife!

    >Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the Calm spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    You feel more refreshed.
    >[(unknown script): You appear to be trying to cast at a friendly NPC so I will not allow this. If this is a mistake do ;k donoharm and report this error to Dreaven.]
    And last, but certainly not least! This spell also ensures you don't blow another player away when you're INCANTing a harmful spell while another player is your current TARGET. It will even target a random critter for you in this instance and cast that spell anyways!

    [(unknown script): You are attempting to incant an attack spell while another player is your current TARGET. If you want to proceed type ;k donoharm and try again. In the meantime I have targeted a random critter and incanted your spell for you.]
    [(unknown script)]>target random
    [(unknown script)]>inc 201
    You are now targeting a kobold.
    >Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the Calm spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    You gesture at a kobold.
    A kobold is enraged by your attack!
    CS: +446 - TD: +3 + CvA: +20 + d100: +95 == +558
    Warding failed!
    A calm washes over a kobold.
    Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
    So download ;donoharm today and say goodbye to doing harm!
    Last edited by Tgo01; 06-12-2018 at 03:44 AM.

  6. #806
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    Donoharm? Fucking hippie script.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  7. #807


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Donoharm? Fucking hippie script.
    I engineered the script to do maximum harm to Gelston's characters.

  8. #808
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I engineered the script to do maximum harm to Gelston's characters.
    I don't have any characters right now. You're a maximum liar.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  9. #809


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    I don't have any characters right now. You're a maximum liar.
    HA! The script will create a character, give you ownership of said character, then proceed to do maximum damage to the character.

  10. #810
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    HA! The script will create a character, give you ownership of said character, then proceed to do maximum damage to the character.
    I refuse to accept ownership. Defective script. Report for decoding.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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