You won, get over it.
"Hi, my name is Ososis and I'm blaming my shitty life for being such a fragile, soy drinking, emotionally unstable loser. My triggers are: Red reputation, ANY mention of MacGuyver and being called a fragile, soy drinking, emotionally unstable loser."
You slap Walkar's cheek, hard.He continues, "I've decided that I'm not going to let you serve community service, so don't get your hopes up. To this aim, you may either pay the fine of 50000000 silvers plus any other outstanding debts you may owe, or serve a total of 120 minutes of incarceration. You may ANSWER me either FINE or INCARCERATION as your choice. But I digress. Choose quickly, now, lest I hold you in contempt of court for wasting my time."
The circle jerk of these retards giving each other more and more false hope in the politics folder has been entertaining as fuck. cwolff immediately began spreading his ass cheeks as soon as she showed back up.
I haven't been on most of the weekend but I'm assuming the Trump threads are filled with even more OMG THIS IS REALLY REALLY IT THIS TIME GUYS IT'S REALLY HAPPENING THIS TIME UNLIKE THE LAST 4832704 TIMES IT WAS REALLY IT!!! dumbassery while cwolff and pk scissor each others' buttholes and time4fun bukkakes all over them with her new fun fancy jizzing dildo.
Last edited by Methais; 04-03-2018 at 12:15 PM.