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Thread: Major Enchant Slot

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Major Enchant Slot

    *** SLOT TAKEN - Back in a few months! ***

    Fusion, Enhancive, Sanctified, W/P/S [Potions included]
    4x to 5x - 5.5 million
    5x to 6x - 8 million
    6x to 7x - 14 million

    Capped mage. Half due up-front, half due upon completion. Gift of Eonak used on final cast.

    1) can enchant weighted/padded/sighted gear
    2) can enchant ensorcelled gear
    3) can enchant fusion/enhancive/sanctified
    4) can enchant ithizir/voln armor
    5) CAN'T enchant flaring items (not trained for elemental flares, others not possible)
    6) CAN'T enchant stuff with insane amounts of weighting, padding, enhancives

    Approximate time to completion:
    4x to 5x - 4 weeks
    5x to 6x - 7 weeks
    6x to 7x - 14 weeks
    Last edited by Macillus; 12-19-2017 at 12:22 AM. Reason: Slot taken.

  2. Default

    I'll take this spot
    An Ithzir seer suddenly opens her eyes and stares directly at you!
    An Ithzir seer shoots strands of webbing at you!
    AS: +450 vs DS: +291 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +78 = +278
    ... and hits for 110 points of damage!
    Strike to stomach sends you doubling over to the ground.
    You are knocked to the ground!
    You are stunned for 15 rounds!

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