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Thread: Locker cleanout auction. Cloaks, weapons, armor, all kinds of things.

  1. Default Locker cleanout auction. Cloaks, weapons, armor, all kinds of things.


    • 1. a fitted black leather longcloak. 7 lbs. "Significantly" pocketed. MB: 35k BO: 250k SOLD
    • 2. a long black leather cloak. 3 lbs. "Fairly Large" pockets. GS3 era. MB: 5k BO: 100k SOLD malmuddy
    • 3. a midnight blue greatcloak. 7 lbs. "Exceptionally" pocketed. GS3 era. MB: 100k BO: 1m SOLD
    • 4. a grey wolf-hide cloak secured with a slate grey steel clasp. 8 lbs. "Exceptionally" pocketed. GS3 era. CB: 500k SOLD malmuddy BO: 1m


    • 5. a long dwarven rat skewer. 1x, lightning flares. Estoc base. GS3 era. MB: 1m BO: 5m
    • 6. a huge bone axe fringed with a number of bright scaled crests. 4x. MB: 50k BO: 200k SOLD tumbadoo


    • 7. a vultite augmented breastplate. 19lbs. 4x. MB: 35k BO: 250k PAWNED for locker space
    • 8. some smokey grey leathers. 12 lbs. 5x. full coverage. GS3 era. CB: 500k SOLD malmuddy BO: 2m
    Last edited by jimmy0x52; 12-01-2017 at 11:44 AM. Reason: updating bids

  2. #2


    100K buyout on #2
    100K on #4
    250K on #8

  3. #3


    BO on the bone axe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Fairfield, CT


    300k on #8!
    (OOC) Boring's player whispers, "Wow you have a lot of gowns."

    Come try a free 30 day trial of Platinum!

  5. Default

    200k on number 4

  6. #6


    300K #4
    500K #8

  7. Default

    350k #4

  8. #8


    500K #4

  9. Default

    tumbadoo shoot me your player name I'd like to get this axe out of my locker.

  10. Default

    twice to malmuddy on 4 & 8

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