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Thread: lnet high cpu usage

  1. Default lnet high cpu usage

    tldr; I think I may have caused a problem with lnet by training in a spell and then untraining it (and having no spells after untraining). How do I fix it?

    Everything with lich has been running great, until today. This morning lich crashed, and after I exited and restarted I started seeing almost 50% cpu usage from rubyw.exe.

    After killing off all of the scripts it settled back down to .15 ~ 2 percent. I started running scripts again I narrowed down the issue to lnet. When I kill it, everything works fine, when I run it everything crawls and cpu spikes and holds above 45%.

    I tried downloading a fresh copy of lnet from the repo, but still have the same issue. Tried rebooting, checking that antivirus wasn't messing with ruby both without any luck.

    After checking out the debug log and scripts, I think I may have caused this issue by training in a spell and then untraining it.

    This is the debug log I get whenever starting up and connecting lich:

    2017-11-23 10:02:37: info: Lich 4.6.42
    2017-11-23 10:02:37: info: Ruby 2.0.0
    2017-11-23 10:02:37: info: i386-mingw32
    2017-11-23 10:02:37: info: no force-mode info given
    2017-11-23 10:02:52: info: gamehost:
    2017-11-23 10:02:52: info: gameport: 10024
    2017-11-23 10:02:52: info: game: STORM
    2017-11-23 10:02:52: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "open", :lpFile => "C:\\Users\\Xanlin\\AppData\\Roaming\\lich\\temp\\lich3339.sal", :lpDirectory => "C:\\Users\\Xanlin\\AppData\\Roaming\\lich\\temp")
    2017-11-23 10:02:52: info: waiting for client to connect...
    2017-11-23 10:02:53: info: connected
    2017-11-23 10:02:53: info: connecting to game server (
    2017-11-23 10:02:53: info: connected
    2017-11-23 10:02:56: error: SpellRanks.load: marshal data too short
    	C:/Users/Xanlin/AppData/Roaming/lich/lich.rbw:6953:in `load'
    	C:/Users/Xanlin/AppData/Roaming/lich/lich.rbw:6953:in `block in load'
    	C:/Users/Xanlin/AppData/Roaming/lich/lich.rbw:6952:in `open'
    	C:/Users/Xanlin/AppData/Roaming/lich/lich.rbw:6952:in `load'
    	C:/Users/Xanlin/AppData/Roaming/lich/lich.rbw:6989:in `timestamp'
    	lnet:1180:in `block (2 levels) in _script'
    	lnet:1176:in `loop'
    	lnet:1176:in `block in _script'
    lnet.lic code for lines in debug:

    Line 1172: #
    Line 1173: # connect and listen to the server
    Line 1174: #
    Line 1175: {
    Line 1176: 	loop {
    Line 1177: 		last_connect_attempt =
    Line 1178: 		begin
    Line 1179: 			LNet.connect
    Line 1180: 			LNet.send_request(attr={'type'=>'spell-ranks', 'to'=>'server', 'timestamp'=>SpellRanks.timestamp.to_s}) if defined?(SpellRanks)
    Line 1181: 			REXML::Document.parse_stream(LNet.server,
    Line 1182: 		rescue
    Line 1183: 			echo $!
    Line 1184: 			respond $!.backtrace[0..1]
    Line 1185: 		end
    Line 1186: 		LNet.server.close rescue()
    Line 1187: 		if LNet.server_restart
    Line 1188: 			LNet.server_restart = false
    Line 1189: 			echo 'server is restarting; waiting 30 seconds to reconnect...'
    Line 1190: 			sleep 30
    Line 1191: 		else
    Line 1192: 			echo 'connection lost'
    Line 1193: 			wait_time = [300 - ( - last_connect_attempt), 1].max
    Line 1194: 			if wait_time > 1
    Line 1195: 				echo "waiting #{wait_time.to_i} seconds before trying to reconnect..."
    Line 1196: 			end
    Line 1197: 			sleep wait_time
    Line 1198: 		end
    Line 1199: 	}
    Line 1200: }
    lich code:
    Line 6940: class SpellRanks
    Line 6941: 	@@list      ||=
    Line 6942: 	@@timestamp ||= 0
    Line 6943: 	@@loaded    ||= false
    Line 6944: 	@@elevated_load = proc { SpellRanks.load }
    Line 6945: 	@@elevated_save = proc { }
    Line 6946: 	attr_reader :name
    Line 6947: 	attr_accessor :minorspiritual, :majorspiritual, :cleric, :minorelemental, :majorelemental, :minormental, :ranger, :sorcerer, :wizard, :bard, :empath, :paladin, :arcanesymbols, :magicitemuse, :monk
    Line 6948: 	def SpellRanks.load
    Line 6949: 		if $SAFE == 0
    Line 6950: 			if File.exists?("#{DATA_DIR}/#{}/spell-ranks.dat")
    Line 6951: 				begin
    Line 6952:"#{DATA_DIR}/#{}/spell-ranks.dat", 'rb') { |f|
    Line 6953: 						@@timestamp, @@list = Marshal.load(
    Line 6954: 					}
    Line 6955: 					# minor mental circle added 2012-07-18; old data files will have @minormental as nil
    Line 6956: 					@@list.each { |rank_info| rank_info.minormental ||= 0 }
    Line 6957: 					# monk circle added 2013-01-15; old data files will have @minormental as nil
    Line 6958: 					@@list.each { |rank_info| rank_info.monk ||= 0 }
    Line 6959: 					@@loaded = true
    Line 6960: 				rescue
    Line 6961: 					respond "--- Lich: error: SpellRanks.load: #{$!}"
    Line 6962: 					Lich.log "error: SpellRanks.load: #{$!}\n\t#{$!.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
    Line 6963: 					@@list      =
    Line 6964: 					@@timestamp = 0
    Line 6965: 					@@loaded = true
    Line 6966: 				end
    Line 6967: 			else
    Line 6968: 				@@loaded = true
    Line 6969: 			end
    Line 6970: 		else
    Line 6971:
    Line 6972: 		end
    Line 6973: 	end
    Line 6974: 	def

  2. Default


    I checked my #{DATA_DIR}/#{}/spell-ranks.dat and the file was there but empty. I closed lich, copied spell-ranks.dat from another computer that had it for this character, and everything seems to be working okay now.
    Last edited by Xanlin; 11-23-2017 at 12:48 PM.

  3. #3


    Usually when you mess around with spells you can type in SKILLS BASE and ruby usually fixes things. Not sure if that would have helped. Maybe next time.

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