Originally Posted by
Sure. You're right, I associate myself with myself. Glad to see you finally realize this after 7 years. Wow I was just kidding when I said you were calling me a Nazi, but here you are. So Tgo01, the person who almost always takes Israel's side in things, is a Nazi. Fantastic work, Latrin. Fantastic. This is like when those radical leftists literally refer to a Jew as a Nazi.
It's too bad you've honed your persecution complex to such a razor edge. Oh well. For the record I said you associate with Nazis. This was so terrifying for you that you were literally incapable of reading it, and so invented a fake narrative where you were literally being called a literal Nazi. It's okay. Like I said, I didn't expect you to be able to take this learning opportunity anyway.

Originally Posted by
For what I've read and seen they were chanting, "Blood and Soil", " You will not replace us", and "white lives matter". How is any of that hate speech as defined by the law? I will agree with you that its a super shitty thing, but until they advocate violence its not criminal.
Laws that forbid the advocacy of violence in and of itself are unconstitutional. "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action" is the test. Let me know if you want to dismiss another inarguable example of your ignorance as condescension on my part.

Originally Posted by
No matter what he said or did, it still wouldn't be enough for some fringies like yourself. Trump can absolutely do no right in your mind.
Fringies like Pin, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Bernie Sanders, Hilary Clinton... huh. It's almost like the overwhelming majority are the ones criticizing the President in this case. Huh!

Originally Posted by
Know what Trump should have said?
"That's the end of my speech on infrastructure, no questions, God bless America."
State loyalty > federal loyalty back then. That applied to pretty much everyone during that time. Perhaps if you picked up a book now and then you'd learn something. But first you'd have to accept the fact that facts won't always agree with your precious feelings.
Article 3 Section 3 and Article 6 of the United States Constitution. Thanks for playing.

Originally Posted by
Prior to the civil war, in many places, loyalty was to state before country. Lee went with Virginia. If he had gone with the North he'd be called a traitor to his state. He really couldn't win.
He could win by not committing treason.
It's pretty simple.
Someone asks you to take up arms against your country, you say no.
Congrats! You didn't commit treason!
Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.