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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    "Defended" the Nazis? Reaching a little there aren't ya?
    Trump pretty much admitted that he himself is a Nazi.

    Did we watch the same press conference?
    yours truly,

    PC's resident nihilist

  2. #712


    Quote Originally Posted by tyrant-201 View Post
    Did we watch the same press conference?
    Apparently not.

  3. #713


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post

    "You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."

    He was saying those aren't the only people who are idiots. I don't see him defending white nationalists at all.

    Ehhh...he was saying not all people goose stepping down 5th street in riot gear, waving nazi flags, and saying 'jews will not replace us' would consider themselves white nationalists - and are therefor 'good people.'

  4. #714


    Quote Originally Posted by Pin View Post
    If only he could condemn white nationalists and neo-nazi's as quickly as he condemns CNN, this wouldn't even be an issue tonight.
    Monday, he re-tweeted somebody posting an article about shootings in Chicago and how 9 people were killed over the weekend and asking why there was no "nationa media outrage" about it. 3 of those killed were shot breaking into somebody's house. Some of the others were blatant gang-related activity and people fighting.

    So yeah. He followed all of the outcry over the weekend with "a few people were killed in Chicago this weekend too so why is everybody talking about this!?"

  5. #715
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    I'm reading CNNs transcript of it... I don't see anywhere where he defends white nationalism or calls himself one. If he did, they'd have said it for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pin View Post
    Ehhh...he was saying not all people goose stepping down 5th street in riot gear, waving nazi flags, and saying 'jews will not replace us' would consider themselves white nationalists - and are therefor 'good people.'
    Where do you see this? How do you interpret that from his statement? He straight up said those are terrible people.
    Last edited by Gelston; 08-16-2017 at 01:36 AM.

  6. #716
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    Let's be real: trump wants the alt-right vote and whatever comes with it. That's why he has bannon as his chief strategist. Mr. Breitbart himself.

    Trump knows he needs the racist part of white middle America just like he needs Putin. If Trump loses the racists of white middle America he's in even more trouble.

  7. #717


    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    Let's be real: trump wants the alt-right vote and whatever comes with it. That's why he has bannon as his chief strategist. Mr. Breitbart himself.

    Trump knows he needs the racist part of white middle America just like he needs Putin. If Trump loses the racists of white middle America he's in even more trouble.
    Sunday: Trump won't condemn the KKK because he needs their votes!!!
    Monday: Trump denounces the KKK and tells them to shove their heads up their asses.
    Tuesday: ...well still!

  8. #718


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    I'm reading CNNs transcript of it... I don't see anywhere where he defends white nationalism or calls himself one. If he did, they'd have said it for sure.

    Where do you see this? How do you interpret that from his statement? He straight up said those are terrible people.
    Trump: Those people, all of those people- excuse me. I've condemned neo-Nazis. I've condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch.


    He said this later on:

    Reporter: To protest the removal of that-

    Trump: [Inaudible.] You have some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me — I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.
    Last edited by Pin; 08-16-2017 at 01:44 AM.

  9. #719
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    I'm reading CNNs transcript of it... I don't see anywhere where he defends white nationalism or calls himself one. If he did, they'd have said it for sure.

    Where do you see this? How do you interpret that from his statement? He straight up said those are terrible people.
    When you attack the counter-protestors who are protesting the Nazi's, that's defending the Nazi's.

    When you call the Nazi's fine people, that's defending the Nazi's.

    If you show up to KKK/Nazi/white supremacist rally, which it was, you're likely a klansman/Nazi/white supremacist yourself. None of those people were fine people.

  10. #720
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Sunday: Trump won't condemn the KKK because he needs their votes!!!
    Monday: Trump denounces the KKK and tells them to shove their heads up their asses.
    Tuesday: ...well still!
    You're dull, Tgo. You're not paying attention. I'm not sure why I'm even talking to you.

    Richard Spencer and David Duke are praising Trump on how he handled things today. Do you know who Richard Spencer and David Duke are? When Duke and Spencer are praising you and you're the President and you're not denouncing them, that's a problem.

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