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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #411
    Join Date
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    Arizona Bay


  2. #412


    Guys, I've done it. As is so often the case, it falls to me to devise a perfect analogy for this discussion.

    There is a man who is dead.
    How did he die? He hit the street at terminal velocity.
    How did that happen? He jumped off a building.
    How did that happen? He was being chased by Abraham Lincoln.
    We would say Abraham Lincoln killed this man, even though strictly speaking what killed him is hitting the street.

    The North invaded the South.
    Why did they do that? To preserve the Union.
    Why did it need preserving? The South seceded.
    Why did they secede? The North wanted to abolish slavery.
    Would we not also say that the North went to war because of abolitionism? Even though strictly speaking what caused the war was the North wanting to preserve the Union?

    Either you say yes or you let Abraham Lincoln get away with murder. I know which way I'd choose.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  3. #413
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    What if Lincoln just wanted to give him back his wallet he dropped?!

  4. #414


    Google Wallet presented by Alphabet Co. (a fully owned subsidiary) wasn't invented until thousands of years after Lincoln died, if you would like to be sued into the Internet Explorer Age for copyright infringement BE MY GUEST(tm)
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  5. #415
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    I still use Internet Explorer, its the best browser you can buy. And its cheap at only $49.99. Chrome is like $99!

  6. #416
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    How dare a family be upset that I held up a mock severed head of their family member.
    Last edited by drauz; 06-02-2017 at 08:19 PM.

  7. #417


    Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post

    How dare a family be upset that I held up a mock severed head of their family member.
    I love the part where she says it's stupid anyone can consider her actions as a real threat because she weighs like 100 pounds or some stupid shit. Aren't liberals always the ones who say we need to ban guns BECAUSE it gives people so much power? You don't need to be a 400 pound NFL linebacker to kill someone.

  8. #418
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post

    How dare a family be upset that I held up a mock severed head of their family member.
    She's awful. The Trump-head thing was retarded and she shouldn't be shocked by any of this.

  9. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    She's awful. The Trump-head thing was retarded and she shouldn't be shocked by any of this.
    How she ever thought this was funny or a good idea is beyond me. But she's never been funny, so I guess I can kind of see why she thought it might be funny. Let's hope this retires her from jokes or political commentary.
    yours truly,

    PC's resident nihilist

  10. #420


    Holding a severed Trump head. Not cool. If it were an Obama head? It would have gotten the same reaction. Still, we're all talking about it.

    I don't wish ill-will on her but I've never seen why she was popular. At all.

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