1. a shaggy dark grey wolf fur satchel - 5m, SOLD OUT
full unlocked Cidolfhus pelt bag (skin bundler), holds slightly large amount, belt worn, +4 bonus to Survival and first aid: https://gswiki.play.net/Cidolfhus#Pelt_Bags
2. Ball of Urnon - 5m Flat
Randomly changes into things in your hand or in your container.
>rub my urnon
You roll the ball of urnon around in your hands, causing tiny multi-hued ripples to race across the round globe.
>touch my urnon
You set the ball of urnon upon the tip of your finger which begins to spin around slowly as its surface ripples languidly.
>turn my urnon
You set the ball of urnon on the tip of your finger and slowly turn it.
Suddenly the ball of urnon begins to hover gently as it pulses a bright silver hue its surface rippling intensely for several moments like a storm-tossed sea. After a few moments, the ball of urnon comes to a stop and drops back into your hand.
>poke my urnon
You attempt to poke at the spire of the triangular urnon, but it simply curls nimbly to avoid you finger, its surface pulsing rapidly with bright colors.
has ambients when it transforms into different things in your hand at random times. You can stare at it to freeze it with it's shape or unfreeze it. Every time I look in the container it changes into something else. If you stare at it on the floor it will stun you for a really long time...
example of some random ambients:
The triangular urnon in your hand bubbles and froths intensely, doubling over and crashing like a tiny wave against the base of your fingers. It quickly forms back into a tiny piece of triangular urnon.
A thin streak of pale blue slithers across the surface of your triangular urnon, drifting languidly like a serpent in water. Small bits of black tail the streak, until both colors fade into the obscured depths of the triangular urnon.
Your triangular urnon suddenly is covered by many hair-thin cracks, and breaks into tiny fragments which collect into your hand. They start to melt right before your eyes, and rise up slowly to form a column shape.
Your column-shaped urnon spreads out into long tapered sticks, and for a moment it resembles a spindly tree, its branches waving in an unseen wind. It begins to waver ever so slightly, then collapses into a small ball.
Your ball of urnon shifts and animates into the fanged maw of some vicious beast! It lunges toward one of your fingers and falls into itself with a splash. When it reforms, it is the slightly more docile shape of a rectangle.
Your rectangular urnon wavers and becomes liquid, suspended in your palm while intense ripples roll across its surface. It shimmers briefly then abruptly falls into a puddle, and a thin, solid piece rises and slithers upward in a spiralling motion, forming an intricate coil.
Your coil of urnon breaks its form and shifts into a triangular shape, its top glistening with vibrant hues.
Your triangular urnon starts to melt, tiny rivulets of the multi-hued metal dripping and collecting in your palm. Within seconds, it gains solidity again and takes on the form of a square.
The square urnon in your hand bubbles and froths intensely, doubling over and crashing like a tiny wave against the base of your fingers. It quickly forms back into a tiny piece of square urnon.
Your square urnon melts into a puddle in your hand, its surface swirling like a miniature whirlpool. A small cupped shape rises up from the pool, followed by the thin stem of a chalice.
Your chalice of urnon bubbles and dissolves into a roiling puddle in your palm, tiny waves lapping at your fingers like a miniature ocean. After a few seconds it lifts up and forms a perfect spherical shape.
Your sphere of urnon splits in two and wraps around itself, constantly tightening into a braided knot. Just as it seems as though it will break from the pressure, it expands outward to form a cylindrical shape.
Your prism-shaped urnon breaks its current form and tapers into three long tentacles that thrash about wildly, the small shapes whirling with streaks of black and red before they crash back into each other and reform into a tiny piece of prism-shaped urnon.
Your prism-shaped urnon breaks its form and melts into a small puddle in the palm of your hand. It shifts around, thousands of tiny ripples rolling across its reflective surface. It quickly changes back into a tiny piece of prism-shaped urnon.
Your sword-shaped urnon suddenly flattens into a square disk in your palm and is completely still for a few moments. Without warning, the sharp peak of a pyramid suddenly rises up out of the disk and holds the form!
Your humanoid-shaped urnon melts in your palm and reforms again, taking the shape of a prism.
Your chalice of urnon starts to melt, tiny rivulets of the multi-hued metal dripping and collecting in your palm. Within seconds, it gains solidity again and takes on the form of a square.
The square urnon in your hand wobbles around slightly, its form becoming unstable. It collapses into a small puddle, and a tiny blunt appendage reaches forth from it toward your finger, a seam splitting it through the middle. Abruptly the seam opens to reveal a gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth which sink into your flesh!
... 15 points of damage!
Shot to the hand slices a finger to the bone!
It recoils quickly and forms into a small orb.
Still more ambients and transformations to list...