a macabre bone-strung gown - Layered over cured hide and held together by sinew and thread, the gown has been fashioned from strung-together animal bones of varied sizes and types, a macabre display from neck to ankle. Fitted across the chest is a corset, crafted from what appear to be two severed craniums, assorted scapula, and pelvic bones, and has been crudely painted in abstract designs from dried mud and blood.
Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.
...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.