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Thread: What Lich Scripts Do You Regularly Use?

  1. #191


    Quote Originally Posted by Khorid View Post
    Suprised this one wasn't mentioned.

    ;tpick - Pesky to set up as you have to fill in every detail. Great when you have lmast audience or tricks - you can drop all your boxes, ;tpick disarm, ;sloot, go to middle of town, and ;tpick v loot - You pick all your boxes using latest lockpick trick without having to go through the disarm process in middle of town. Very versitle with user GUI and able to run in multiple ways, ;tpick will run script, disarm, caliper, pull lowest lockpick *you setup which picks for which locknumbers*, pick the box, loot it and move on to next one. ;tpick disarm will disarm all boxes on ground, for younger rogues you can use ;tpick v loot (pick boxes you carry) or ;tpick v loot ground (to pick boxes on the ground and loot, or take the loot out of either and you just pick them without looting them. As a lower level rogue, remember to adjust settings every so many trains as you get the option of highest trap your willing to attempt to disarm and what lockpick with what lock difficulty, a true gem when paired with ;lockpick max to see what your rough ranges are.
    I agree, ;tpick is pretty amazing.

  2. #192
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    I added ;tpick under utility. ;locksmith is already listed.

    Can someone give me a quick rundown on death_potions?
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  3. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen View Post
    I added ;tpick under utility. ;locksmith is already listed.

    Can someone give me a quick rundown on death_potions?
    It runs you around looking for the priestess and then buys potions and drinks them until your sting is gone.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  4. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    It runs you around looking for the priestess and then buys potions and drinks them until your sting is gone.
    Thanks. That's definitely useful.
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  5. #195
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    Added ;whatis to the reference section.

    If you're not subscribed to Newsby's daily gemstone news e-mail I would highly suggest doing so.
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  6. #196
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    Added ;scrollbuff.

    see thread:

    For more details.
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  7. #197


    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen View Post
    Added ;whatis to the reference section.

    If you're not subscribed to Newsby's daily gemstone news e-mail I would highly suggest doing so.
    Ohmygosh, Thank you ever so much for the props!!
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  8. Default

    I'll throw one of mine into the ring as I don't think many know of it. However, I use it constantly. ;login for logging in characters. I use it when I want to switch characters or in scripts to switch between alts. My rest scripts will check my spell durations and then use login to login my pocket wizard or ranger and run a script that goes to my table, spells me up and switches back to my rogue. Great for switching between alts in scripts or because I now find sge too slow.

  9. #199
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    So the syntax would be something like ;login CharacterName and it would log in said character from the command line?
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  10. Default

    You can do a ;repo info login to see the full description but yes. ;login bob will login bob. ;login bob gotable will login bob and he will run gotable script. In a script it would look like,

    start_script( 'login', ['Bob', 'gotable'] )

    I also use it to cycle through all of my characters for the daily login bonus. Have a script called daily that has a series of if statements checking if char name is this then login this char and have them run the daily script. I just login a specific char each day who is the start of the chain and it chains through each of my characters.

    Made it because I couldn't find another way to switch between alts in a script. Been out a few years now and haven't had any complaints. Once in a blue moon the login server is stupid but that's a Simu thing.

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