Last edited by Mice; 08-21-2018 at 09:55 PM.
~@~The Alliance of High Elven Society's GSWiki Page~@~
~@~Support the Alliance: Check Out Our Endowment Shop~@~
~@~Ensorcelling Services - Enchanting Services - Sheath Making~@~
~@~COMING SOON: Forging Services - Cobbling Services - Fletching Services~@~
~@~The Alliance of High Elven Society's GSWiki Page~@~
~@~Support the Alliance: Check Out Our Endowment Shop~@~
~@~Ensorcelling Services - Enchanting Services - Sheath Making~@~
~@~COMING SOON: Forging Services - Cobbling Services - Fletching Services~@~
5m? Not sure if that's high or low now.
Well, consider the cost of the expansion and the fact that you won't be able to buy a new PS until at least June the 15th, probably a little bit more. There is a schedule for them returning to general buyability, but that is by no means a guarantee in this game. This shop is a sure thing and worth the convenience of not having to wait.
Last edited by Gelston; 05-10-2017 at 06:08 PM.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
I'll go 6m
Discord - allen#5476