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Thread: Tired of Duskruin? Get your forge on! Heavy slabs up for bid!

  1. Cool Tired of Duskruin? Get your forge on! Heavy slabs up for bid!

    Hello all,

    I currently have the following slabs up for sell and for bidding. MB is 100k on all except those noted.

    (15 lbs) Heavy slab of Zorchar x1
    (16 and 23 lbs) Heavy slab of Rhimar x2
    (25 lbs) Heavy slab of Kelyn x1
    (14 lbs) Heavy slab of Vaalorn x1
    (17 lbs) Heavy slab of Faenor x1
    (18 lbs) Heavy slab of Drakar x1 (MB 50k)
    (20 lbs) Heavy slab of White Ora x1 (MB 2m)
    (27 lbs) Heavy slab of Eonake x1 (MB 4m)

    Please respond with which ore/ores you're interested in and your current bid on each. The auction ends on May 5th, 10pm Eastern, highest bid takes it. Thanks!
    Last edited by Authriea; 05-01-2017 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #2


    4m on Eonake

  3. Default

    It is yours. I can be reached in game at Authriea or Lornieh using Lich, just send me a PM. I am in game every evening. I can do WL, FWI, or let me know if I need to get to another town. Thanks!

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