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Thread: T2 Cidolfhus Bandolier

  1. #1

    Default T2 Cidolfhus Bandolier

    Selling Bandoliers at 1m flat! Please message me if interested.

    a weathered leather bandolier
    MA - can be lightened/deepened

    The leather bandolier is composed of several straps, some lined with a row of slots for smaller bladed weapons or wands, while a series of straps lines the backing. Hanging from the bandolier are large sacks, narrow tubes, small pouches, and containers.

    Link to verbs:

    >anal my bandol
    You analyze your leather bandolier and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:

    The leather bandolier is unlocked, but could be unlocked once more. It has 12 verbs.

    When altering, keep in mind that the bandolier's messaging references large and small containers, and a row of weapon slots and straps. These can all be altered by a skilled merchant. The containers should remain plural. Currently, they are set to slots (wands and small weapons), straps (belted weapons), a series of straps (back weapons), large sacks (bundled weapons), narrow tubes (paper and scrolls), small pouches (trinkets), and containers (anything else).

    You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the leather bandolier for you or deepen its pockets.
    Last edited by Neovik1; 03-07-2017 at 02:47 PM. Reason: .

  2. #2



  3. #3


    Bump, only a few left

  4. #4



  5. #5


    I'll take it. PM'd you.

  6. #6


    Cool! All sold! Thanks!

  7. #7


    Darn so close so far!

  8. Default

    These really are awesome

  9. #9


    Just went through all my alts to make sure I didn't have any more. Sorry all definitely sold

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