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Thread: 7x T2 Runestaff. a gilt-veined silvery lor runestaff

  1. Default 7x T2 Runestaff. a gilt-veined silvery lor runestaff

    a gilt-veined silvery lor runestaff

    Look at my rune:
    Wrought from a singular length of silvery lor and lacquered to a brilliant luster, the runestaff has been artistically inlaid with arcs and curlicues of gold to create a subtle vine-and-leaf design. In mimicry of the seasonal changes, the lustrous veins wend their way downwards, transitioning from a pale yellow hue, through fiery orange and deep red, before fading away as they reach the ground. The runestaff gleams faintly with inner light. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the runestaff.
    There appears to be something written on it.

    >read runestaff
    In the Common language, it reads:
    *~ Turnleaf Fayre 5115 ~*

    >anal my rune
    You analyze your silvery lor runestaff and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.
    You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the silvery lor runestaff for you.


    MB: 3m CB:

    Note: It also adds 2 ranks of 2H Weapon Use for me.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BarcodeDJ View Post
    a gilt-veined silvery lor runestaff

    Look at my rune:
    Wrought from a singular length of silvery lor and lacquered to a brilliant luster, the runestaff has been artistically inlaid with arcs and curlicues of gold to create a subtle vine-and-leaf design. In mimicry of the seasonal changes, the lustrous veins wend their way downwards, transitioning from a pale yellow hue, through fiery orange and deep red, before fading away as they reach the ground. The runestaff gleams faintly with inner light. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the runestaff.
    There appears to be something written on it.

    >read runestaff
    In the Common language, it reads:
    *~ Turnleaf Fayre 5115 ~*

    >anal my rune
    You analyze your silvery lor runestaff and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.
    You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the silvery lor runestaff for you.


    MB: 3m CB:

    Note: It also adds 2 ranks of 2H Weapon Use for me.
    7x and T2, with a 2HW U enhance...

  3. #3


    Probably elemental blade
    Last edited by Red; 11-04-2016 at 03:11 PM.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Red View Post
    Probably elemental blade
    very possible.. always wondered where it came from... so minus that... its still 7x T2.... thanks for your correction.

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