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Thread: Complete Set of Coventry Items - the must have for rituals, witches, summoning, etc

  1. Default Complete Set of Coventry Items - the must have for rituals, witches, summoning, etc

    Complete Set of Coventry Items

    These items were sold at The Coventry at EG'15. I believe they were new that year and bought 2 sets, hoping to get one unlocked, but never ran into the merchant. So, I am selling off my spare set.

    In the blackthorn case:
    Containers [1]: a raven-carved blackthorn bowl
    Special [4]: an onyx-hilted blackthorn athame, a wide raven feather smudging fan bound in ebon suede, an onyx-bowled goblet with a carved blackthorn stem, a frosted crimson glass phial
    Total items: 5

    This is all going to be sold together. All details will follow.

    MB: 300k CB: 300k to Winter's Kiss SOLD

    a triple moon-carved blackthorn case with rounded corners - VSA with enough space for several small items.

    You analyze your blackthorn case and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    Acceptable nouns for this item are: case, box, chest, trunk, or reliquary. Messaging references a material lining in the container, and the color can be altered. If unlocked, the material (which must be in a stable condition - ie: no shoddy, moth-eaten, etc.) can be altered. There are no additional verb traps for an unlocked case.

    Current verbs: PUT (items in) and GET (items out). This item is tier 1 of 2 tiers.

    Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the case's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the case is as light as it can get.

    >get bowl from case
    You carefully pull the blackthorn bowl from its stylized niche in the blackthorn case's light velvet interior.
    >put bowl in case
    You carefully place the blackthorn bowl into one of the stylized depressions in the blackthorn case's black velvet interior.

    a raven-carved blackthorn bowl - VSA with enough space for several small items.

    You analyze your blackthorn bowl and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    This item's noun must always be "bowl". If unlocked, a color can be added - this is referenced when using GAZE.

    Current verbs: PUSH, PULL, RAISE, and TILT. This item is tier 1 of 2 tiers.

    Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the bowl's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the bowl is as light as it can get.

    >push bowl
    Cradling the blackthorn bowl in your upturned hands, you offer it out as you recite an incantation.
    >pull bowl
    You draw the blackthorn bowl close to your chest and murmur a few words as you trace your finger lightly around the edge.
    >raise bowl
    Extending your arms overhead, you hold the blackthorn bowl aloft and turn your eyes skyward.
    >tilt bowl
    You tilt the blackthorn bowl slowly from one side to the other, raptly concentrating on its contents.

    an onyx-hilted blackthorn athame

    You analyze your blackthorn athame and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    This item can be freely altered, but the noun must remain "athame."

    Current verbs: PUSH, PULL, RAISE, and TILT. This item is tier 1 of 2 tiers.

    You get no sense of whether or not the athame may be further lightened.

    >push athame
    You square your shoulders and level your outstretched arms, directing the blackthorn athame's straight ahead.
    >pull athame
    Drawing the blackthorn athame close to your body, you gently lay the flat of the blade against your forehead and close your eyes as you project your energy into it.
    >raise athame
    With a firm grip on the hilt of the blackthorn athame, you raise it skyward, extending both arms high overhead as you focus your intentions.
    >tilt athame
    Changing your grip on the blackthorn athame, you direct the tip of the blade downward, funneling your energy into the floor beneath you.

    an onyx-bowled goblet with a carved blackthorn stem - holds liquids

    You analyze your onyx-bowled goblet and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."

    You get no sense of whether or not the goblet may be further lightened.

    a wide raven feather smudging fan bound in ebon suede

    You analyze your feather fan and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    This item should be described as either a "smudging fan" or a "ritual fan." Fans can only be made of feathers. Handles or adornments are fine. Long or show descriptions are acceptable.

    Current verbs: PUSH, PULL, RAISE, and TILT. This item is tier 1 of 2 tiers.

    You get no sense of whether or not the fan may be further lightened.

    >push fan
    With gentle motions, you sweep the feather fan through the air, pushing it out and away from you.
    >pull fan
    You brush the feather fan through the air with purposeful motions, drawing the air toward you and over your head.
    >raise fan
    Wide, sweeping gestures with a wide raven feather smudging fan bound in ebon suede draw the air upward as you murmur a brief chant under your breath.
    >tilt fan
    With a sharp flicking motion of your hand, you sweep your feather fan through the air over each of your shoulders.

    a frosted crimson glass phial - A simple parchment label affixed to the crimson glass phial reads, "Nedum Vereri Hair."

    You analyze your crimson glass phial and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    Acceptable nouns for this item are: bottle, vial, flask, ampoule, or phial. Bottles can only be made of glass. You can determine the color and type of contents, as well as the text on the bottle's label (ie: Essence of Flaming Violet), but the contents must be something natural and attainable. Long or show descriptions are acceptable.

    Current verbs: POUR, PUSH, PULL and RAISE. This item is tier 1 of 2 tiers.

    You get no sense of whether or not the phial may be further lightened.

    >pour my phial
    Opening the crimson glass phial, you sprinkle a few drops of the contents at your feet, anointing the floor.
    >push my phial
    Clasping the crimson glass phial in one hand, you press your thumb over the cork, ensuring it is well and securely in place.
    >pull my phial
    Wiggling the cork carefully back and forth in the mouth of the crimson glass phial, it makes a soft popping sound as you pull it free.
    >raise my phial
    Clasping the crimson glass phial in the cradle of your hands, you lift it overhead and concentrate on suffusing your energy into the strands it contains.
    Last edited by shad0ws0ngs; 09-01-2016 at 10:09 AM.
    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    South, Somewhere.. I think? Could be hell. Could be Florida.



  3. Default

    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  4. Default

    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  5. Default

    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  6. Default

    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

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