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Thread: go2 climbing gy gate

  1. #1

    Default go2 climbing gy gate

    Can't find a setting to change the following:

    Wizard has 407 and plenty of mana and go2 automatically tries to make him climb the gate. He has 0 ranks.

    Monk has 1207 and 35 ranks of climbing. Go2 automatically casts the spell instead of allowing me to climb.

    How do you change this default behavior? I see no vars that I can change.

    This specifically occurs at the GY gate.

  2. #2


    For the monk, things are working as intended. go2 always takes the fastest route, and popping is faster than climbing for monks. The easiest way to make your monk climb is probably to download the ;waypoint script, which lets you tell go2 to take a specific path. Then ;go2 save climb = 16392. After that, you can do ;waypoint climb 7397 (for spectral miners, or wherever else you're going in the GY).

    That shouldn't be happening for the wizard. My guess is that infomon doesn't realize you know 407. Log in as your wizard and type ;exec echo Spell[407].known? . If it says false, type 'skill full' and see if that command changes to true (it should). If it does, try go2 again and you should try to pop the gate.

    If it says true right off the bat, try ;go2 again. If it still tries to climb, things are weird. Type the following:

    ;exec echo Skills.serialize
    ;exec echo Spells.serialize
    ;exec echo percentencumbrance/1.25
    and paste the results in this thread.
    Last edited by Gnomad; 08-30-2016 at 03:36 PM.

  3. #3


    So the issue (may be a bug) was that during the current session I increased my climbing ranks to 15 to do a voln task. I then reduced it back to zero. After logging out and back in, the issue still persisted. I increased my climbing ranks to (1). The issue went away. I'm not sure where it's gathering and saving skill info, but it needed to see climbing ranks below a certain rank and it wasn't calculating zero OR it never updated after the skill goals were modified for the character.

  4. Default

    That's a known issue when migrating skills. Basically, if you decrease a skill, the skills that scroll across the screen are the same as before. Only the skill goal changes, along with some random number that's supposed to represent how long until the migration is complete. Then seconds or years later, the skills eventually change to match the goals, but there is no indication that anything has happened. There's nothing for Lich to pick up on to know it should update the skills. All you have to do is type skills after it has finished migrating.
    Get Lich - Vote for Gemstone (

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Tillmen View Post
    That's a known issue when migrating skills. Basically, if you decrease a skill, the skills that scroll across the screen are the same as before. Only the skill goal changes, along with some random number that's supposed to represent how long until the migration is complete. Then seconds or years later, the skills eventually change to match the goals, but there is no indication that anything has happened. There's nothing for Lich to pick up on to know it should update the skills. All you have to do is type skills after it has finished migrating.
    This happens with waggle too. If you train a new spell it doesn't know it until you type skill.

    When in doubt, skill!

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