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Thread: Bloodriven Village Shops

  1. #261


    Shots of the crossbows in action ?

  2. #262


    I think Daiyon has one Mid..

    And Chris, Middian has a crossbow he may have a log

  3. #263


    Does anyone have any info on all of the verbs for the fully unlocked pirate bandolier? I'm also curious about the spin verb with the smoke bombs and how that works. Thanks in advance about any info you can provide!

  4. Default

    Anyone know if only the enchant on the armor in "Flash of Strength" was updated? I'm assuming they changed the price as they thought 250 was too low. I had bought a couple pieces there last run and debating rebuying one, though it may be cheaper just to have the ones I bought last time enchanted from 4x to 5x unless there's some other new feature to them.

  5. #265
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Iowa, unfortunately


    From the officials.....

    APM Wyrom is still doing some final QC on the items,

    But I added some polished vultite haubergeon (asg 15) with vacuum flares.

    In addition, all items in the shop are now 5x, and script prices were adjusted accordingly.

    I had wanted to do an update to Skyfire, but there just was not time with reopening to quickly, so next time my pretties!

    ~ Valyrka ~
    Dark Elves

  6. #266


    Keep in mind that enchanting for flaring items isn't yet implimented and we do not know what kind of restrictions or costs will be put into play when it does come live.
    Last edited by Taluric; 08-24-2015 at 04:59 PM.

  7. #267


    Quote Originally Posted by Middian View Post
    Anyone mess around with the garrote daggers?
    I got the bodkin in an early DR run. They're fun items!
    Calling you names is fun, because your skin is so thin and your vagina so sandy.

    Check out my Solhaven Shop!
    Fusion Orbs, Flaring 100-arrow Bundles, ICE age stuff, 50-count Gem Jars and more!


    d100(Open): 261
    You forage briefly and manage to find some acantha leaf!

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