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Thread: Bloodriven Village Shops

  1. #221


    From my understanding realm flares are blessable but greater are not. I have never cast bless at a greater to be sure though.

  2. #222


    Quote Originally Posted by Nephelem View Post
    From my understanding realm flares are blessable but greater are not. I have never cast bless at a greater to be sure though.
    I was probably thinking of realm flares then
    PB: One day you'll need this number: 988.

  3. #223


    Realm flares are blessable? Are you sure? They are a script, bit I believe the script places the flares in the flare slot like Ironweight

  4. #224


    I must have read it wrong. Going back to Tamuz's post he in fact confirmed that the realm flaring weapons are NOT blessable. Sorry for the confusion. His post follows from the Duskruin thread.

    Some history: Realm Weapons debuted at the 2000 auction. We brought them back for the Droughtman runs and then again for Duskruin with updates for more realms, an improved list of flares (no lightning in Solhaven which has many watery rooms, for example), and support for UAC gear.

    Realm Weapons are intended to offer a good flare for every realm. It is not the optimal flare for every single hunting ground or creature you might want to kill, but it's a good, flavorful choice for each realm that won't actively set off environmental hazards. Fire and ice elementals heating and cooling gear is an environmental hazard that is up to individual hunters to deal with. A weapon that switches its flares to combat different elementals would be a neat script on its own and something I'll consider for the future, but that's outside the scope of this script. It was intended to be a serviceable weapon anywhere you go in the game.

    Things that remain blessable while providing flares are incredibly rare, as that's a huge mechanical advantage over other weapons. Don't expect to see that with any sort of regularity. It's not something I'm overly interested in providing in any sort of large quantities as it makes existing gear much less desirable.

  5. #225
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Iowa, unfortunately


    Yeah, I just tested on the rolaren waraxe from last run, definitely not blessable.

  6. #226


    Additions and Updates to Flash of Strength

    APM Wyrom is still doing some final QC on the items,

    But I added some polished vultite haubergeon (asg 15) with vacuum flares.

    In addition, all items in the shop are now 5x, and script prices were adjusted accordingly.

    I had wanted to do an update to Skyfire, but there just was not time with reopening to quickly, so next time my pretties!

    ~ Valyrka ~
    Dark Elves

    -- Shop needs some updates

  7. Default

    Did they remove the spell books?
    Truth, Justice and the Arabian way!

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    Realm flares are blessable? Are you sure? They are a script, bit I believe the script places the flares in the flare slot like Ironweight
    ironwright flares don't prevent blessing(obviously) or anything else.
    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  9. #229


    Yes, and that's why Ironwright has to start blessed before it gets flares and not the other way around. But the point here is that some scripted flares take up the flare slot too.

  10. Default

    Anyone have specs on the bandolier? Is it just a fancy zested container or can it help with Thrown Weapons?

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