If you will be hunting in OTF at cap, get the lightning resist. Hunting anywhere else, I'd call it more of a toss up.
If you will be hunting in OTF at cap, get the lightning resist. Hunting anywhere else, I'd call it more of a toss up.
Curious...I was getting disruption flares with my morning star around the Landing. Guess it works differently for weapons and staves?
** Your eonake morning star releases a quivering wave of disruption! **
... 20 points of damage!
Blood boils in the frost giant's chest.
A couple other places
Icemule trail: Disintegration (high-pitched thrumming)
Icemule: Fire (fiery crimson flame)
Last edited by kcostell; 07-25-2015 at 03:29 PM.
So it seems the available items change since I cannot find the HCP Fusion full leathers on the list anymore, in fact all the HCP armors seem to be gone now, only helms.
What is with the wands that cast, say, 606 and 509? Raise activated, or wave?
Also, how does one control which spell they cast? Is it settable?
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Do these X/day wand/rods that are new in spellbound actually cast EACH spell the X/day or you can cycle through the options for a total number of castings = x/day?
R.I.P. Sparkle Motion
debating grabbing one of the realm flaring runestaves for my bolting lowbie cleric to play with, but is the script more fun then functional?
Last edited by Vusit; 07-25-2015 at 10:55 PM.
GSIV:Jhacen: "raise me you stupid bitch"
discord: vusit#6092
For the realm flares its mostly just a quality of life thing. The flares themselves are no stronger than a standard flaring runestaff would offer. It just keeps you from having to worry about swapping your equipment around for certain areas.
Last edited by Taluric; 07-25-2015 at 11:11 PM.
For anyone who is into that sort of thing, I went ahead and tried out the poison. Not sure if anyone ever posted an example of it but here it is. It leaves the person Stunned, Immobile and Prone.
Suddenly, you feel a twinge in your throat, almost as if something were stuck back there. Coughing seems to help a bit, but a lingering tingle remains.
The twinge in your throat grows to a stronger prickling feeling, and attempting to swallow around the sensation is starting to be more difficult.
The prickling feeling gives way to a steadily rising sensation of burning. With swallowing rapidly growing impossible, you pant to bring air through your slowly constricting airway, realize with dawning horror, that your tongue has also started to burn and swell.
With a final rattling wheeze, your breathing grinds to a halt, the agony in your throat reaching a fevered pitch compounded with every panicked beat of your heart. In desperation, you begin clawing at your throat, your entire focus devoted to the vain effort of drawing air into your aching lungs.
You seem to be in one piece.
Maximum Health Points: 107
Remaining Health Points: 107
Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10
Maximum Stamina Points: 53
Remaining Stamina Points: 53
Blackness begins to eat at your vision, and you feel yourself slumping to the ground, writhing as you continue to weakly clutch at your throat.
Air! Where is the air!?
The straining starved beat of your heart is lost against the muffled roaring in your ears as a foggy haze begins to cloud your thoughts.
The fog slowly fills your mind, the pain and struggle growing more distant as your body slowly succumbs to the numbing lack of air. Vaguely, you feel your arms dropping limply to your sides as the welcoming darkness engulfing your awareness whispers of peace.
Just as your awareness begins its last feeble gutterings, like a dying candle's flame, the terrible restriction and swelling in your throat and mouth begin to ease. A weak instinctive spasm of your diaphragm pulls a thin tendril of air past enflamed tissues to starved lungs.
Like a drowning man clinging to a thin rope in a stormy sea, you struggle to maintain the tenuous passage of air into your lungs. Each searing breath slowly grows less of a struggle with each successful inhalation through the gradually relaxing restriction of your throat.
Finally drawing one deep, almost sufficient breath of air, you cough loudly and raspily, clearing out the last vestiges of tightness in your throat. Shakily, you open your eyes and become aware of the moisture seeping down your cheeks, a testament to the torment so recently experienced.
At last, though your breathing has returned to its prior carefree ease, you are left feeling weakened and hoarse in the wake of your ordeal.
Is this event going all through this week? And is the "August" run next weekend or is there a separate run later in August?