Lets make this fast shall we? Once Twice Sold, will update nightly and work to meet you on your timeframe for pickup, but we must meet in the Landing, and at maximum you have 1 week to arrange pickup, otherwise deal can be revoked. Minimum bid for all 35k Silvers.
1) A feather-carved ruic long bow with taut catgut string 4x - Scripted
2) A red-tinged polished ruic longbow 4x - Golden Wand Loading Bow - 50k to DEREX SOLD!
3) A pale golden ruic longbow carved with corrosive acid droplets 4x - Crystal Wand Loading Bow - 50k to DEREX SOLD!
4) Suede-gripped splintery maple yumi 5x - 200k to SOULSEER SOLD!!
May your aim be true, and your word as well.