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Thread: Bloodriven Village Shops

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Wyrom is looking for arena feedback here:

    After watching over hundred matches the last couple of days, and hearing a lot of the concerns for the arena comparing to the sewers... I'm thinking of moving away entirely from the current setup for the arena matches. While the math works, it's still too slow, and the herb munching was never an intended feat.

    My goal is to change the arena to be a kill count match. You keep going until the time limit is up, you die, or you surrender. The time would be drastically reduced to 5 minute matches. I'll also look into ways to offer mini challenges during the matches to aid people who want to avoid hazards.

    What I want to know from all of you is, would you welcome this change?
    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Blog Entries


    Is it fair to have pures and squares held to the same kill count timers? It almost seems like each player should be measured using their own profession's specific standard.

    The average sorcerer can kill X per second
    The average warrior can kill X per second

    Last edited by Fallen; 03-31-2015 at 04:27 PM.
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  3. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2003



    The arena matches are much more action packed now. No more herb munching and waiting an obnoxiously long time to maximize your bloodscrip. Matches will be roughly 6 to 7 minutes long where you face 25 creatures one-on-one. Every 5 matches you'll face a champion similar to the champions in the previous version of the arena. There are over 20 new creatures in the arena to face. Most creatures can perish to a critical blow, outside the champions. You earn bloodscrip for each creature you kill. You also earn a bonus if you defeat all 25 creatures in the time limit. Dying no longer incurs a bloodscrip penalty, but surrendering still does.

    I've also introduced new hazards. I removed the darts, arrows, spiked ball-and-chain, and boulders. Hazards can now be avoided in a small mini-game during arena matches. I will leave it to you to figure it out. It's not terribly hard, and the term "mini-game" probably is an exaggeration of what it is. But it adds flavor. Hazards are a little more deadly though.

    You can now earn a time bonus too that works in a more favorable way. The quicker you make it through, the higher the bonus. You can earn a max of 225 bloodscrip plus the time bonus.

    The Ratacombs have also had a minor update. It seems more wildlife has escaped into the sewers, as well as some other sort of rats. So you may find something different this time around. There are also some minor obstacles in the sewers when you SEARCH to add some flavor.

    We'll be relaunching this Friday and staying open for a week.

    ~Wyrom, APM
    >>Do the traps still get progressively more challenging later in the match? Or are they the same level of mini-game 'skill' throughout?

    You get a 30 second leeway where they are VERY slow. After that, it's random throughout to when they can fire. You can prevent them 2 different ways. Through the mini-game or by simply disabling the creature. I don't want to give too much about the mini-game away just yet.
    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2003



    One thing I changed this time is the need for deeds. You lost deeds in the arena, but you incurred no penalty if you had none. If you have no deeds, your death will be treated like a normal death, and you'll drop all your spells. Stock up, or Lorminstra awaits!

    ~Wyrom, APM
    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    More updates:

    So we've added a handful of new items.

    There are 5 helmets that have resistance and padding in Gamac's Goods.

    There are 3 new mannequins in The Mar and Scar with high-end loot. We've readjusted the price on the faenor waraxe as well (lower). All the armors are similar in properties. I'll explain more about the other wares later. There is also an infamous spoon and a butcher knife for sale there too.

    We added 2 new X/day items, floating disk and invisibility, but they are 2x/day.

    There is a 6x/6x acuity NerveStaff for sale.
    The Mar and Scar, Pierced - types of piercing jewelry:
    I was able to add hoop, shard, sliver, fang, and hook. Plurals don't work as it's set up right now. Hope you all will enjoy the 5 new nouns though!
    I updated the arena mechanics to discard lodged arrows and thrown weapons before the creatures are pulled from the arena. They will be dropped to the ground where you stand. Make sure to grab them before you're moved or you die!

    ~Wyrom, APM
    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2003



    >>That 6X/6X Nervestave is going to be very nice for whomever gets it.

    It's not limited.

    >>Also, are the high end scrolls back, same as last run?

    Scrolls are still there.

    >>So when you say new wild life escaped into the sewers do you mean different types of rodents or something completely different? Just curious what I will be adding to my walking zoo this weekend.

    Different types of rats. Sewer rats are the most abundant. There are 15 more descriptors and 5 new types of rats.

    >>Is this going to be limited like the rot staves?

    Right now, there is nothing limited at this event. But there is a high chance we will rotate some gear for next time, so don't count on the same wares after this run.

    >>Also, I see one comment about leaving it open for 2 weekends this time, is that real or will it be shorter?

    The event will run from 5/1 at (roughly) 9pm until 5/10 at (roughly) 9pm ET.

    Some shops MAY be closed on opening night, but we'll make sure they are open by Sunday at the latest.

    ~Wyrom, APM
    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

  7. #87


    Anyone know what the resistance/padded helmets are?

  8. #88


    I'm curious for specifics over guesses.

  9. #89


    Gamac's Goods

    a bronze enameled greathelm with a white cross-shaped reinforcement - HCP, resistant to lightning, and scripted.
    a flame-crowned black rolaren greathelm bearing a cross-shaped red gold frontal reinforcement - HCP, resistant to fire, and scripted.
    an etched black rolaren greathelm covered with interlocking hexagonal steel plates - HCP, resistant to crush, and scripted.
    an imflass-winged golden rolaren greathelm with a thick ora visor - HCP, resistant to slash, and scripted.
    a conical gold-scaled rolaren greathelm with a thick mithril visor - HCP, resistant to puncture, and scripted.


    a translucent glass pin - 2x/day Invisibility
    an enruned mithril disk pin - 2x/day Floating Disk

    The Mar and Scar

    a mangled steel spoon - 5 rubs of Heroism
    a rusted steel butcher knife - GoryWeapon, +22, 1 point shy of HCW, +3 STR and +2 DEX bonuses.
    a hooded shadowy leather cloak - Casts 608 once every 2 hours. Automatically hides 1x/2 hours
    a glaes-hafted shimmering ora warmace - +22 HCW, sanctified, GoryWeapon.
    a shirt of vruul leather - +17, HCP 3-slot fusion full leathers.
    a gold-trimmed silk elven tunic - Over-the-front fully unlocked pirate harness.
    a four-in-one imflass chain jazerant - +17, HCP 3-slot fusion augmented chain.
    a pouch-lined tanned leather bandolier - Over-the-front fully unlocked pirate harness.
    a gold-trimmed blue spidersilk greatcloak - Unlocked ClimateWare (not feature hiding), 25% weight reducing.
    a segmented golden golvern lance - 5x, SCW morphs into a cudgel.
    a suit of imflass platemail - +17, HCP 3-slot fusion full plate.
    a quartered gold and silver tabard - Over-the-front fully unlocked pirate harness.
    a matte black waxed canvas cloak lined with deep ahmdir blue linen - Original consolation cloaks (17+ verbs), weighs under 1lb, holds 100lbs.

    Other items are the same, but have moved to different mannequins.

    Old Farmhouse

    a lacquered scrollworked illthorn runestaff - 6x/6x acuity NerveStaff, fully unlocked.
    Last edited by eulogia; 05-01-2015 at 11:58 PM.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Really like the greatcloak.. and of course the augmented chain.

    To bad the warmace isn't a warhammer.
    This space for sale.

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