Thanks for putting this up. Some great prizes in there. VHCP Waraxe, padded armor. Lightning resist armor makes for a great project piece. etc.
Thanks for putting this up. Some great prizes in there. VHCP Waraxe, padded armor. Lightning resist armor makes for a great project piece. etc.
Last edited by Fallen; 03-21-2015 at 11:34 AM.
Vote for Gemstone Once a Day at The Mud Connection & Top Mud Sites
It seems, if the runs are unlimited, to kill the creatures as fast as possible and run a few more times to make up for the lost points. This ensures you have the smallest chance of failure, and spend the least amount of your time for the item you want.
Vote for Gemstone Once a Day at The Mud Connection & Top Mud Sites
4 x tickets @ 100 simucoins each
bloodscrip earned = 511
prizes = 4x rolaren buckler, enhancive brooch, 2 runestaff
7 x tokens @ 100 simucoins each
bloodscrip earned = 518
prizes = 5x golvern shield with spikes, 3 runestaff (2 with enhancives), 4 weapons (2 with perm weighting), 4x sanctified helm, enhancive crown, enhancive bracer
“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”
The Sewers are the safer bet.
Got a black ora short sword.
You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.
I can see why the GMs have been resistant lately to put better loot in the treasure system; they wanted better loot to drop in arena :O
Last edited by Tgo01; 03-21-2015 at 01:58 PM.
Has anyone found any tokens in the loot system? Or whatever is used to enter the arena.
Seriously, amazing job. This kind of info is invaluable IMO. Great work.
The only rude person I met was a taxi driver in kagoshima. I was going from the train station to the ferry to take it over to an island and was showing him my papers and he was like "oh, climb mountain?" and I'm like "hai, yep!" and he made a muscle pose(bent arm, whatever you call it) laughed, and rubbed my belly.. like "oh, no, you fat american fuck, you no get up there", but whatever - Japhrimel