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Thread: Russia Just Invaded Ukraine

  1. #291
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up Norf in the Cold!


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    No, they voted to hold a referendum.
    Like that's gonna stop Putin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.
    noun: tolerance
    the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

  2. #292


    This is what happens without energy independence.

  3. #293
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    May 2008


    The funniest thing about a referendum about if Crimea should join Russia or not.... is that it doesn't mater.

    They can't vote to join a different country just like CA can't.

    That being said.. Putin will just do whatever he wants, because he knows no one will try to stop him. No one in Europe really cares.. because Ukraine isn't Europe to them. And we won't do anything that could start a new cold war.

    I WOULD think it would be ironic if we just suddenly decided to "sell" as in 1$ per, high tech weaponry to Ukraine for them to potentially fight a civil war. I mean.. what could Russia do about it? They love giving weapons to Syria.
    Last edited by Jarvan; 03-09-2014 at 10:51 PM.
    This space for sale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    We have to count our blessings that we enjoy freedom of speech without fear of oppression in this county.
    (When you can't answer a question for fear of making you or your savior look bad)

  4. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    The funniest thing about a referendum about if Crimea should join Russia or not.... is that it doesn't mater.

    They can't vote to join a different country just like CA can't.

    That being said.. Putin will just do whatever he wants, because he knows no one will try to stop him. No one in Europe really cares.. because Ukraine isn't Europe to them. And we won't do anything that could start a new cold war.

    I WOULD think it would be ironic if we just suddenly decided to "sell" as in 1$ per, high tech weaponry to Ukraine for them to potentially fight a civil war. I mean.. what could Russia do about it? They love giving weapons to Syria.
    Yes they can, they are doing it right now. Do you think they give a shit about what the Ukrainian Constitution says if they are breaking away?
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  5. #295


    Well, the Crimea is the most heavily pro-Russian province in the Ukraine.

    So in a sense, Putin will do himself a disservice if Russia annexes Crimea, as it would only encourage the formation of pro-Western governments in Ukraine.

    With Crimea in Ukraine, the Western 'faction' in Ukraine had 40-60% control at any given time in the past decade, now it will be more like 55-75%.

    So if Putin wants to ensure a 'neutral' Ukraine, he will stop short of annexation and just continue the 'occupation' (ie that Russian strip of land in Moldavia and the break-away Georgian provinces). Nevermind that Crimea is 'poor' and leaving it with Ukraine means that Ukraine is paying the upkeep in subsidies/etc to the population, which would help keep it under Russian financial domination.

  6. #296


    Quote Originally Posted by Atlanteax View Post
    Well, the Crimea is the most heavily pro-Russian province in the Ukraine.

    So in a sense, Putin will do himself a disservice if Russia annexes Crimea, as it would only encourage the formation of pro-Western governments in Ukraine.

    With Crimea in Ukraine, the Western 'faction' in Ukraine had 40-60% control at any given time in the past decade, now it will be more like 55-75%.

    So if Putin wants to ensure a 'neutral' Ukraine, he will stop short of annexation and just continue the 'occupation' (ie that Russian strip of land in Moldavia and the break-away Georgian provinces). Nevermind that Crimea is 'poor' and leaving it with Ukraine means that Ukraine is paying the upkeep in subsidies/etc to the population, which would help keep it under Russian financial domination.
    This is a cogent explanation, but I'm afraid it cannot possibly be correct because at no point do you reference Obama's failures.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  7. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    This is a cogent explanation, but I'm afraid it cannot possibly be correct because at no point do you reference Obama's failures.
    Obama supported the British in the 1770s-1780s.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  8. #298


    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    This is a cogent explanation, but I'm afraid it cannot possibly be correct because at no point do you reference Obama's failures.
    Obama's failures are so failurirific that they don't even need mentioning yet the failures are burned into our minds anyway.

  9. #299


    Quote Originally Posted by Atlanteax View Post
    Well, the Crimea is the most heavily pro-Russian province in the Ukraine.

    So in a sense, Putin will do himself a disservice if Russia annexes Crimea, as it would only encourage the formation of pro-Western governments in Ukraine.

    With Crimea in Ukraine, the Western 'faction' in Ukraine had 40-60% control at any given time in the past decade, now it will be more like 55-75%.

    So if Putin wants to ensure a 'neutral' Ukraine, he will stop short of annexation and just continue the 'occupation' (ie that Russian strip of land in Moldavia and the break-away Georgian provinces). Nevermind that Crimea is 'poor' and leaving it with Ukraine means that Ukraine is paying the upkeep in subsidies/etc to the population, which would help keep it under Russian financial domination.
    Crimea is Russia's. No question.
    "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.

    Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.

  10. #300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    This is a cogent explanation, but I'm afraid it cannot possibly be correct because at no point do you reference Obama's failures.
    It's sort of like how you don't have to cite sources for something that's common knowledge.

    "The Earth is round."
    "Water is wet."
    "Obama is the antichrist and wants to ruin 'Merica."
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

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