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Thread: Russia Just Invaded Ukraine

  1. #91


    From what I understand Crimea was already somewhat autonomous.

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    You mean like in the 40s, when we were attacked on US soil by a foreign military?

    Or in the 50s, when China sent over a million soldiers into Korea to fight us?

    Or in the 60s, when the Soviet Union openly fought us in Vietnam?

    Or in the 70s, when Iran invaded our embassy?

    Or in the 80s, when more American soldiers were killed in a day in Beirut than have been killed in the past four years in Iraq?

    Or in the 90s, when we demanded that Saddam get out of Kuwait and he flipped us the bird?

    Or in the 00s, when... you know what happened in the 00s.
    You mean when a Democrat was either in the White House or in the Senate?

    Thought so. Thank you.

  3. #93


    WASHINGTON — President Obama has authorized a targeted drone strike against Russian President Vladimir Putin following his country’s controversial troop movements into Ukraine’s Crimea, senior administration officials confirmed today.
    Putin, 61, was added to the controversial “kill list” on Saturday shortly after speaking with the president in a 90-minute phone call. Following the call, the White House readout indicated that Obama spoke for approximately 30 minutes while Putin laughed continuously for the last 60.

    Read more:

  4. #94
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    Duffleblog troll!
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    You mean when a Democrat was either in the White House or in the Senate?

    Thought so. Thank you.
    I had never noticed that before, it's pretty incredible that Republicans have had control of both the Senate and the Presidency for only 12 of the past 80 years.
    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff
    WASHINGTON — President Obama has authorized a targeted drone strike against Russian President Vladimir Putin following his country’s controversial troop movements into Ukraine’s Crimea, senior administration officials confirmed today.
    Putin, 61, was added to the controversial “kill list” on Saturday shortly after speaking with the president in a 90-minute phone call. Following the call, the White House readout indicated that Obama spoke for approximately 30 minutes while Putin laughed continuously for the last 60.
    Impossible, Putin isn't an American citizen.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    Obama spoke for approximately 30 minutes while Putin laughed continuously for the last 60.

    Read more:
    That is probably accurate though.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  7. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    That is probably accurate though.
    No doubt.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    Impossible, Putin isn't an American citizen.

  9. #99


    Jason Jones' astonishing long form exposé of the conditions in Sochi(ish) included Putin's long form birth certificate. Too bad you watch too much lame stream media to see it. Too bad.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  10. #100


    I got as far as the 1:30 mark.

    Really? It's not an invasion if Russia is just protecting their interests?

    Well shit if that's all it takes to be considered not an invasion then I guess technically any country could "invade" in other country whenever they want.

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