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Thread: Russia Just Invaded Ukraine

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    It's sad.. but no one respects us, or fears us anymore.

    They are all like.. pfft.. America won't do anything.
    To be fair no matter when this happened Russia wouldn't give a fuck about any American saber rattling. The Ukraine(especially the Crimean peninsula) has been historically far too important to Russia to let it go without a fight...Napoleon, hitler and the charge of the light brigade weren't enough to wrestle it out of Russian control.

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    It's sad.. but no one respects us, or fears us anymore.

    They are all like.. pfft.. America won't do anything.
    You mean like in the 40s, when we were attacked on US soil by a foreign military?

    Or in the 50s, when China sent over a million soldiers into Korea to fight us?

    Or in the 60s, when the Soviet Union openly fought us in Vietnam?

    Or in the 70s, when Iran invaded our embassy?

    Or in the 80s, when more American soldiers were killed in a day in Beirut than have been killed in the past four years in Iraq?

    Or in the 90s, when we demanded that Saddam get out of Kuwait and he flipped us the bird?

    Or in the 00s, when... you know what happened in the 00s.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  3. #83
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    Time to sign up!

    ~Player of Inurtia

  4. #84
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    Really want to drink some water...huh? Girls?
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by RojoDisco View Post
    I really hope the United States does not interfere.
    Doubtful we'll do anything. After all most of the people involved are white.


  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    You mean like in the 40s, when we were attacked on US soil by a foreign military?

    Or in the 50s, when China sent over a million soldiers into Korea to fight us?

    Or in the 60s, when the Soviet Union openly fought us in Vietnam?

    Or in the 70s, when Iran invaded our embassy?

    Or in the 80s, when more American soldiers were killed in a day in Beirut than have been killed in the past four years in Iraq?

    Or in the 90s, when we demanded that Saddam get out of Kuwait and he flipped us the bird?

    Or in the 00s, when... you know what happened in the 00s.
    We're supposed to immediately understand everything is different because Barack Obama is the ultimate evil.

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by RojoDisco View Post
    I'm torn in my heart about this conflict. The locations are very personal for me.

    With the protest I was for Euromaidan because who doesn't love Vitali? Everyone respects him, even Putin. So he gained real ground for the Euromaidan. Then the Berkut calmed down and minor arrangements were made to allow Russian influence once more. Humanitarian groups were doing their work. Things looked better Friday morning. Then the real damage was seen. Ukraine has become a free for all of aftermarket private military services. So life is cheap and politics are money. This instability makes Putin nervous, much of his personal money is based in Sevastopal industry. For this reason Crimea will always be Russian. Crimea was Russian even before the tanks rolled in on Saturday. The population of Crimean peninsula is heavily industrial and/or military. You have 70 percent russians, 15 percent ukrainians and the rest Tatar or indigenous peoples. The Russian chemical industry ships from this location, I myself have lived there. On top of that it's the base point of the Black Sea fleet and from this point Russia has a key access point to the Mediterranean. Read that again! This is Russian access to the Mediterranean. So yes, they will go to war to defend this tiny little piece of Russian oligarchy. I really hope the United States does not interfere.
    What are your thoughts on how this played out? The guy they threw out DID win by a majority in the 2010 election.

    In terms of solutions would it be possible to just split the country into two? It seems like that might alleviate some of the tensions.

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by RojoDisco View Post
    Also very very Christian. :-X
    Onward Christian soldiers!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nachos DLC View Post
    Blame Kranar!

    Protect Net Neutrality!

  9. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    What are your thoughts on how this played out? The guy they threw out DID win by a majority in the 2010 election.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    In terms of solutions would it be possible to just split the country into two?

  10. #90


    Ukraine should sell Crimea to Russia.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nachos DLC View Post
    Blame Kranar!

    Protect Net Neutrality!

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