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Would you like us to bring every single troop home, and wash our hands of the rest of the world? Let Iran get Nukes and attack Israel, let North Korea invade south Korea? let a new Stalin kill 40 million people?
Are you ok with knowing that we could stop 10,000 people from dying in a chemical gas attack? Or does it not matter because it happens somewhere else?
So we shouldn't care if say.. Iran executes every Christian in it's country... I mean... it doesn't matter, it isn't US after all.
As to where does it end. It doesn't, ever really.
"eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty" Thomas Jefferson.
As to who asked us to do this... the people crying out for help.
You could look at it in a smaller way. The US is your family. The rest of the world is strangers.
If you see someone getting beaten to a pulp in an alley, and they cry out to you for help, and you have the ability to help them... do you just ignore it and think, "well, it isn't one of my family members".