Thatcher would fuck him up too.
Thatcher would fuck him up too.
I do love how you NEVER can answer anything when it looks bad for you or your God Obama.
So Obama interferes in Syria and Libya and that's ok. But we shouldn't interfere in Ukraine... and the best you got is freedom of speech?
You really do fail at this Back, you really do.
From now on, every response to anything you post from me is going to be "Freedom of Speech". Apparently, I can't fault that.
Last edited by Jarvan; 02-28-2014 at 07:02 PM.
Yeah, I get it. You and Jarvan, who both did not bother to vote, will find nothing Obama does positive. If Obama started world war three, like you are saying he should, you'd be calling him the devil for doing so. He can't win in your eyes no matter what he does and you did not even bother to get up off your lazy entitled asses to use a privilege that fewer people in this world enjoy.
I don't think he should start WW3, but I don't think he should stand by idly. Ideally, the EU should take the lead on all of this.
Personally, I think the Ukraine should sell the Crimean region back to Russia.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
He said that he stood with the international community in rejecting these actions.
At this point, yeah, selling Crimea back to Russia seems like an all around good compromise. I know nothing about the long history of the region. I suspect Russia just wants Crimea for strategic reasons.
We're not going to do shit. We may talk tough but we're not going to war over the relationship between Russia and the Ukraine.