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Thread: Spider Talisman Auction: A Disk Changer

  1. Default Spider Talisman Auction: A Disk Changer

    I'm selling a disk changer that changes the appearance of your floating disk. The details are below on all of the ways to interact with it and how it works. I'll deliver anywhere and will accept silver or cash at 12 per on Paypal. Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to resolve them.

    CB: 3m Vorpodu Sold and Delivered!

    an ornate steel and obsidian spider talisman suspended on a heavy chain

    >inspect talisman
    You carefully inspect your spider talisman.

    You determine that you could wear the talisman around your neck. The talisman appears to serve some purpose.

    >raise talisman
    You point an ornate steel and obsidian spider talisman suspended on a heavy chain at your disk. Black mists rise to encircle the disk. When the mists dissolve, the disk is entirely covered in dense grey spiderwebs. Unnoticed until now, a few small insects trap themselves almost immediately among the sticky strands.


    You also see the web-covered Float disk and a secluded stone walkway.

    >look at disk
    Grey spiderwebs cluster thickly over the exterior of the disk. A few insects have apparently encountered the disk in their flight, for a few tiny legs and wings waggle feebly from among the dense strands. There is no sign of the webs' creator. The web-covered Float disk is hovering in mid-air around you.

    When the disk is not present:

    >raise talisman
    You set an ornate steel and obsidian spider talisman suspended on a heavy chain flat on your palm, and the talisman animates. The spider skitters this way and that before rearing upward and striking out at the air. Then, the spider resumes its former position and stills back into the immobility of steel.

    Full Loresong:

    1. This unusual artifact is extremely valuable.

    2. You sense a faint aura of magic around the spider talisman. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the talisman is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose.

    3. When raised, this talisman will cast a web of mana about any disk following its holder, which will result in a change to the disk's appearance.

    4. The magic stored within the talisman is limited in scope and will eventually be exhausted. At that time, only the most skilled of wizards will be able to recharge it, so it will probably need a merchant's attention.
    Last edited by masrulez; 08-06-2013 at 09:25 PM. Reason: Updated bid

  2. #2


    and hit for 69 points of damage!
    Solid strike caves the sea nymph's skull in, resulting in instant death!

  3. #3



  4. Default


  5. Default

    This like the ones from spitfire with 999 charges, merchant rechargeable?
    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  6. Default

    Exactly, shadowsongs. I've used it four times but I'm not sure how many times the previous owner used it. When it is fully exhausted it can be merchant recharged

  7. Default

    These are really fun if you can fit it into your RP style.
    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  8. Default

    3m to Vorpodu Going twice! If there are no more bids, this auction will end at 11 pm ET tomorrow.

  9. Default

    Vorpodu wins. Vorpodu, I sent you a PM.

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