Please PM me if you found it! I lost it the evening of Thursday, June 20th (a while ago before this post). Please help, it's (sadly) the best weapon I have.
Please PM me if you found it! I lost it the evening of Thursday, June 20th (a while ago before this post). Please help, it's (sadly) the best weapon I have.
Hope you find it, sucks losing stuff like that. If all else fails, assist request and have a GM see if the janitor took it.
yours truly,
PC's resident nihilist
Thank you. I have been in the assist queue since last night, but no GMs have been online yet. We'll see...
The weapon has been recovered. Thank you all!
glad to hear this. Player or GM returned?
PB: One day you'll need this number: 988.
Player returned. Turns out they had a... change of heart.