Lookin to purchase some 5x, 6x, or 7x, UAC boots! Let me know what ya got!
Lookin to purchase some 5x, 6x, or 7x, UAC boots! Let me know what ya got!
I've got 7x boots in the process of enchanting right now, be a little while before they're done, but if you want to wait, they will be for sale when they are done.
Id Actually prefer to buy them at 6x to tell the truth....
I could work that out Knemnoch, they're at like 6.2x right now, so I'd have to clear the temper and stuff, but it is more than a temper, never having had to do this I'm not sure how to remove the partial work I've done on them.
Ok cool. well let me know when you get it figured out and are ready to sell. They are blessable right?
Also, what are you thinking as far as the price goes?