My bard is already in his 70's and still haven't anchored. It's been a while since I've had to do this. Total laziness on my behalf. I checked on Kraki, but I'm not seeing exactly what I have to do.. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot.. but anyways, know I have to sing versus wherever I want to anchor. Any help? This is all Krakii is telling me:
Traveler's Song can be anchored to your favorite inn. This may not work in all rooms within the inn. The process must be repeated if one moves to another town. The proper process and song concludes with a message denoting success.
Anchoring Messaging
Successful anchoring:
You notice a great circle of visible mana form around you and begin to spin, slowly growing closer. It enfolds around you gently like a giant's hand then releases and sinks into the ground below.