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Thread: --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory

  1. #1

    Question --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory

    Yesterday while playing my main, Lich decided to stop running ;waggle correctly with the following error:

    --- Lich: waggle active.
    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    [waggle: nothing to do]
    --- Lich: waggle has exited.
    ;waggle also didn't "answer" other peoples' waggle requests properly either, and I also noticed the handy little red circle on the ;narost maps was not tracking my movements... but I decided to ignore it and investigate it later.

    Then today I logged in a different character and the spell-list.xml issue really got under Lich's skin because it spammed me with the following error:

    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    --- error: Spell.load: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Downloads/lich-4.3.2/lich/scripts/spell-list.xml
    ... and seemed perfectly content to spam this error with no linebreaks until the end of time. So, I went to the specified directory, and lo and behold that file is clearly present. I opened it and there's a lot of info about spells which I expected...

    I haven't updated lich or any scripts lately, or made any sweeping changes to my computer.
    ...But I have no idea where to go from here.... Help?

  2. Default

    Are you sure that the file you found was spell-list.xml and not spell-list.xml.txt?
    Get Lich - Vote for Gemstone (

  3. #3


    It is spell-list.xml.txt! I had to unhide the file extensions... Do I just rename the file and remove the .txt?

    How would it have become a .txt?

  4. Default

    No, don't rename it. Get spell-list.xml from the repository. And you probably also need to ;updater add updater
    Get Lich - Vote for Gemstone (

  5. #5


    Awesome, thank you so much Tillmen =)

  6. Default

    Free bump on the thread. I had the same issue logging in on another computer. Downloading spell-list.xml from the repo worked like a charm!

    Last edited by Nilandia; 02-22-2013 at 12:35 AM. Reason: I can spell. Really.

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