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Thread: Getting Lich to work?

  1. Question Getting Lich to work?

    I've been pouring over the threads and havn't been able to find a solution for getting Lich to work on Windows 7.

    I've installed, re-installed, deleted, re-installed the launcher and ruby-1.8.7-p352-setup. No Luck
    The ONLY way I can load Stormfront is by using SGE, not even the website will work, it just asks me to save a .sal file.
    After clicking lich.rbw the window comes up, I enter my info, it connects to my account, but after clicking play it times out.

    Any help?? here is the log file it gives me

    info: Sun Nov 04 11:56:18 +0900 2012
    info: Lich 4.3.17
    info: Ruby 1.8.7
    info: i386-mingw32
    info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/user/Desktop/SIMU CRAP/lich-4.3.17/lich/
    info: $script_dir: C:/Users/user/Desktop/SIMU CRAP/lich-4.3.17/lich/scripts/
    info: $data_dir: C:/Users/user/Desktop/SIMU CRAP/lich-4.3.17/lich/data/
    info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/user/Desktop/SIMU CRAP/lich-4.3.17/lich/temp/
    info: HAVE_GTK: true
    info: launch file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Gse.~xt
    info: no force-mode info given
    info: gamehost:
    info: gameport: 10024
    info: game: STORM
    info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~2\SIMU\Launcher.exe" C:\Users\user\Desktop\SIMU CRAP\lich-4.3.17\lich\temp\lich1292.sal
    info: waiting for client to connect...
    error: timeout waiting for client to connect
    info: exiting...
    Last edited by LordKenakai; 11-03-2012 at 11:25 PM.

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