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Thread: Warrior Interviews Resume

  1. #1

    Default Warrior Interviews Resume

    Calling all warriors. Resuming warrior Interviews.

    Basically if you a warrior with at least 10 trains, I will ask a series of questions. They are not technical questions or complicated. They are just about your life as a warrior.

    The object is to build up a central list of information about warriors.

    This can be done on a 1 -2 -1 basis, or you can just email the responses to me.

    There are over 30 interviews recorded so far. However i'm looking to continue the process.

    As an incentive, I'll be running a raffle upon receipt of the 20th Interview.

    The prize will be 5mil in silvers. (Use for Ebon Gate or just blow it gambling - up to you - and the good news is that we've only another 17 interviews to go since this was advertised in the Officials a couple of weeks ago.)

    If you are interested then visit the following site for the questions or just email me ( and we can arrange a face to face interview.
    Bremerial God'thor

    Valinda accepts Aneris's embalmed puppy.
    Valinda blinks.
    Valinda frowns at an embalmed puppy.
    Aneris accepts Valinda's puppy pelt pantaloons.
    Speaking to Valinda, Aneris says, "Thanks again.... I'll be back with more dead puppies if I happen tah find yah around."
    Valinda says, "Nooo."
    Valinda exclaims, "Ive filled my dead puppy quota, sorry!"

  2. Default

    What if we were once a warrior but converted to paladin and are now super warriors?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Blog Entries


    Then you aren't a warrior and nobody likes you.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Then you aren't a warrior and nobody likes you.
    Harsh. haha. I sense a paladin warrior fight coming on!

    No. Am just interviewing warriors. What I know about paladins I could fit on the back of a matchbox
    Last edited by bremerial; 09-17-2012 at 05:11 PM. Reason: just for the hell of it..
    Bremerial God'thor

    Valinda accepts Aneris's embalmed puppy.
    Valinda blinks.
    Valinda frowns at an embalmed puppy.
    Aneris accepts Valinda's puppy pelt pantaloons.
    Speaking to Valinda, Aneris says, "Thanks again.... I'll be back with more dead puppies if I happen tah find yah around."
    Valinda says, "Nooo."
    Valinda exclaims, "Ive filled my dead puppy quota, sorry!"

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by bremerial View Post
    What I know about paladins I could fit on the back of a matchbox
    All the more reason to include them!

    And gelston, good luck with selling your paladin!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
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    He can be a monk one day!
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by bremerial View Post
    No. Am just interviewing warriors. What I know about paladins I could fit on the back of a matchbox
    Since no one else did it, I will: everything you need to know about paladins can fit on the back of a matchbox.
    The disheveled resident smirks and whispers, "Dearie, you couldn't afford the flower girl, let alone me."

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