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Thread: silver-traced leather bandolier - front worn - medium amount - scripted - under 2 lbs

  1. Default silver-traced leather bandolier - front worn - medium amount - scripted - under 2 lbs

    a silver-traced leather bandolier

    - great container
    - front worn, medium amount, less than 2 pounds
    - scripted, looks like based on the weight of the item
    - can be unlocked further

    MB: 125k
    BO: 300k

    >put flask in my bando
    You slip the white flask inside one of the small containers hanging from your leather bandolier.
    >get flask from bando
    You reach inside one of the small containers hanging from your leather bandolier and collect a white flask.

    >put wand in my bando
    You slip the twisted wand into one of the slots on your leather bandolier.
    >get wand from bando
    You draw the twisted wand from one of the slots on your leather bandolier.

    >put staff in my bando
    Reaching over your shoulder, you secure your slender orase staff into a series of straps on the back of your leather bandolier.
    >get staff from bando
    Reaching over your shoulder, you draw your slender orase staff from a series of straps on the back of your leather bandolier.

    >put cry in my bando
    You tuck the s'ayanad crystal into one of the straps on your leather bandolier.
    >get s'ayanad crystal
    You collect a s'ayanad crystal from one of the straps on your leather bandolier.

    >put trunk in bando
    You toss the brass trunk into one of the containers hanging from your leather bandolier.
    >get trunk
    You reach inside one of the containers hanging from the leather bandolier and grab the brass trunk.
    Last edited by Halfling Guts; 08-12-2012 at 10:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Where I am after where I was and before where I'll be.


    125k, please.
    "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch." ~Stewie Griffin

  3. Default

    125k, any other bids? Would love to sell this to Ragepriest tonight!

  4. #4


    One of Cidolfhus's (Wyrom's) from the look of it. Slightly altered. Good stuff.
    ~Fulmen Soulforge

    "An' I hear that ringing blow thaet calls me tae me feet, I'll follow it ain ta th' ends o' th' earth, for I be the Hammer o' Eonak."

  5. Default


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