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Thread: Ronan's Temple - Schism

  1. #21


    If it's this "easy" to create a temporary hunting ground, how hard could it be to just implement permanent capped hunting areas in each town.

    I don't understand why there are only 3 capped hunting grounds when there are so many capped players.

  2. #22


    I think these temp hunting areas are in indication that some of the GMs really want to add more capped hunting areas. That said, it's way more complicated to add an interesting hunting place than a temp spot.

    A new hunting area has to fit in; to be a part of the story so-to-speak, where these temp areas don't really need to fit. The schism is actually kind of cool in that sense I suppose, but it's still not the kind of place they can just leave there. It would make zero sense. And both the schism and the boats in Wehnimer's bay are just a few small areas, the post-capped boat being 9 rooms total. The critters are weak for their level, and borrowed in the schism. All in all, these areas do not live up to the standard for a good hunting area. I say that out of respect for the people who design hunting areas and critters and with no offense intended towards those who designed the temp areas, and I suspect the designers of the temp areas would probably agree.

    I do think we need some new capped hunting areas. It doesn't take a genius to see that the quantity of capped characters is going to continue to grow... or experience less attrition than other level ranges, so why not satisfy your customers where they're at?

    One last thing, the proposed voln changes are going to rock the Gemstone world. It is now going to be so easy to a hunting zone if you're in Voln, that it's going to have a big affect on who and how many are hunting where. In that regard it's tangentally related to this tangent...

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