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Thread: Fletching Script

  1. Default Fletching Script

    Hey guys! I'm new to GS, fletching and not to mention scripting. I saw a lot of older scripts on here for fletching and tried a few with no success. Does anyone have a more recent script that works?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. Default

    this is mine it's set for the landing. The command is .<script name> <item your material comes from and arrows go into> ie.. .fletch cloak.
    This script is not mine and I only tweaked it minutely. It could use some further tweaking to interact with lich and work in all towns and more container options in just a few minutes. I hardly fletch any more so I haven't messed with it.

    EDIT: btw it's set to buy faewood. If you look towards the bottom of the script you can adjust it to a different order # to buy regular wood if you just started fletching and/or don't have backroom access yet


    put get my dagger
    pause 2
    put get 1 shaft from my %1
    match noarrows what?
    put cut my shaft with my dagger
    match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
    match pass1 You pare away the excess wood

    pause 2
    put get my dagger
    pause 2
    put get 1 shaft from my %1
    match noarrows what?
    put cut my shaft with my dagger
    match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
    match pass1 You pare away the excess wood

    pause 2
    put cut nocks in my shaft with my dagger
    put cut nocks in my shaft with my dagger
    match fail2 might as well toss it.
    match pass2 You carefully cut a nock into

    pause 2
    put put my dagger in my %1
    pause 2
    put remove my bow
    pause 3
    put swap
    pause 2
    put measure my shaft
    pause 7
    put wear bow
    pause 2
    put get my dagger
    pause 2
    put cut my shaft with my dagger
    pause 2
    goto next

    waitfor has dried.
    put put my fletch in my %1
    put get my dagger
    pause 2
    put cut my shaft with my dagger
    put cut my shaft with my dagger
    match done you whittle the end
    match fail4 so you discard it.

    pause 2
    echo One arrow done!
    put put my arrow in my %1
    goto start

    pause 2
    put put my dagger in my %1
    goto glue

    pause 2
    put get my glue
    match gotglue fletching glue
    match noglue get what?

    pause 2
    put put glue on my shaft
    pause 2
    pause 2
    put put my glue in my %1
    pause 2
    goto fletch

    put get my fletch
    match newfletch get what?
    match nofletch3 a single white fletching
    match gotfletch you remove a bundle of

    pause 2
    put put my fletch on my shaft
    match nofletch You don't have enough fletchings
    match oops you are able to salvage the shaft
    match fail3 the glue is now too dry to remove them
    match pass3 securely glued.

    goto start

    goto start

    put put fletch in my %1
    goto start

    put swap
    goto start

    put drop fletch
    put get my fletching
    match nofletch2 get what?
    put put my fletch on my shaft
    match fail3 the glue is now too dry to remove them
    match pass3 securely glued.

    put drop my shaft
    goto fletch

    put put my arrow in my arrows in my %1
    put swap
    goto start

    put put dagger in my %1
    goto buyarrows

    put put my fletch in my %1
    goto next

    put drop my shaft
    goto buyglue

    put put my shaft in my %1
    pause 2
    put put my dagger in my %1
    pause 2
    put put my handaxe in my %1
    pause 2
    move out
    move s
    move out
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move n
    move n
    put go door
    put order 15
    pause 2
    put buy
    put put glue in my %1
    pause 2
    move out
    move s
    move s
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move n
    move n
    move n
    move n
    move n
    put go inn
    move n
    put go table
    goto start

    put put my shaft in my %1
    pause 2
    put put my dagger in my %1
    pause 2
    put put my handaxe in my %1
    pause 2
    move out
    move s
    move o
    move s
    put go bank
    put go arch
    put withdraw 9000 silver
    put go arch
    move out
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move n
    move n
    put go door
    put order 5 of 46
    pause 2
    put buy
    pause 2
    move out
    move s
    move s
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move n
    move n
    move n
    move n
    move n
    put go inn
    move n
    put go table
    pause 2
    put open package
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put get wood from my package
    pause 2
    put put wood in my %1
    pause 2
    put drop pack
    put get handaxe
    pause 2
    put get wood from my %1
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put get wood from my %1
    pause 2
    put cut arrows from my wood
    pause 2
    put put my shafts in my %1
    put put my handaxe in my %1
    pause 2
    goto start

    put put my shaft in my %1
    pause 2
    put put my dagger in my %1
    pause 2
    put put my handaxe in my %1
    pause 2
    move out
    move s
    move o
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move s
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move e
    move n
    move n
    put go door
    put order 9 of 17
    pause 2
    put buy
    put open package
    pause 1
    put empty package into my %1
    pause 5
    put drop pack
    pause 2
    move out
    move s
    move s
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move w
    move n
    move n
    move n
    move n
    move n
    put go inn
    move n
    put go table
    goto start
    Last edited by jpatter123; 06-17-2012 at 05:34 PM.

  3. Default

    Thank you so much! I made a few adjustments to meet my needs and its working like a charm.

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