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Thread: lvl 48 bard with lesser souls, premie account with 1800 premie points and fixskills

  1. #11


    Whoever bought that want to sell the premium points? lol

  2. #12


    Or the perfect maul.

  3. Default

    heh i would have bid higher than that

  4. Default

    Perhaps you should have, either way your too late my friend, I had several BO offers and that happened to be the highest. When your behind on rent, time is of great importance. Sorry but I had to or my landlord would have given me the boot by the end of the week BUT, I would have loved more money of course but thats what I was shooting for :P Anyway sorry I couldn't hook you up 2low4zero if you'd have PM me I would have held on for another day or two anyway have a great day everyone, and thanks for visiting my thread.

  5. #15


    So, if anyone is interested I can start the bidding off at $50 (although I will accept buyouts if the price is right), and will be sold on the 21th, anyone else feel this was a scam? had to get the money by the end of the week in last post but said the 21st in first post ehh what ever would of been a nice buy to strip sell and use bard for a singer altho the stats are horrid

  6. #16


    Man says he needs to dump a GS character to make rent, probably felt the dude offering BO was A) serious and B) ready to move. Cutting it closer and risking getting an offer from a flake can mess some shit up. I don't see how he scammed anyone. If you want something, bid like you mean it.
    The Nalfein Kitten

  7. #17


    yeah... his posts might be off a bit but everything seemed legit to me. He posted the BO he accepted and everything.

  8. Default

    I didn't scam anyone, he just offered me a price I couldn't refuse, was also his fault that he bypassed the screen where you choose your characters with the checkbox, I even went the extra mile to email simu to see if it was a fault on their end but it wasn't and I was able to correct everything, even explaining it to everyone. I stated that I would accept a BO if the price is right, see I can do the whole bold effect too, if you wanted the account you should have offered a BO like the winner and a few others did, and he seems happy, even coming to me for advice on how to play a bard since he never did before, thanks for backing me up Kitsun, its very kind of you. To those who lost, sorry, but I needed to make rent, but both character that I did sell, the owners are happy which makes me happy knowing they will take care of them. But of course someones going to come back to argue, which is another reason to leave the lands. Anyway, theres my rant, and if you feel butt hurt it aint my problem, least I have a roof over my head for this month. Good luck with the account "Winner" who I asked to make an appearence for you non-believers. unreal.. anyway I'm out, for good after reading this. Ohhh hey, SourD, hows the wizard i sold you working out?

    PS. By the end of the week in hawaii means 7 days, sorry if our english is not up to par with the rest of the world.

  9. #19


    Great . Fair price . Quick transaction and everything was there like he complaints here. Thanks again bro. Don't sweat the rep I get red if my phone spells something wrong or if I ask a question cause I don't understand something. Best of luck my brother

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